Chapter 724 Investigation
The so-called Sixth District is actually not small, but as Yu Zhe said, because the Sixth District is the closest to the city gate, the flow of people in the Sixth District is relatively large and complicated. I turned around from the beginning to the end, and found no mutant seafood like last night. The people concerned found quite a few people who were spying on the two of them.

But maybe because they participated in the battle last night, Jun Lie's fire ability was noticed, so although these people followed them, they didn't have any intention of taking action.

"Let's go and have a look in other districts." Luo Xiaran was a little worried because he found nothing, and looking at it with mental strength, there was no one suitable for trading with in the sixth district.

Thinking of the rainy season and tsunami that might come in the near future, Luo Xiaran didn't want to spend too much time in the safe zone of T City.Besides, even if Jun Lie didn't mind, Luo Xiaran still hoped that Jun Lie could see his sisters earlier.

After Luo Xiaran made the decision, Jun Lie and the others took a few cigarettes and passed through the partition gate between the sixth district and the fifth district.Although cigarettes may be a very expensive luxury in the eyes of others, to Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie who do not smoke, they are really nothing.

Compared with the sixth district, the number of people in the fifth district is slightly smaller.After all, not everyone can afford to pay for the materials for two entrances, and those like Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie who are just for shopping are unique.

Walking around the fifth district, Luo Xiaran noticed some things. For example, there are many people in the fifth district who are making food with mutated seafood, but in the end the food was packed and then frozen by the ice ability. stand up.

Well, that's kind of weird.Although it can be said that it is for storage, it is not necessary to load it in the car, is it?It looks like it means trying to pull it away.

It's a pity that the time was too short, and it was impossible for Luo Xiaran to keep staring at these people, so next, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie continued to walk to several other areas.It wasn't until she ignored what Yu Zhe said was the third district where the flesh and blood business was done and entered the first and second districts that Luo Xiaran discovered that perhaps the place that had been neglected was the place where the deepest secrets were hidden.

Because it is the same as the fifth district, the other several districts are making seafood feasts. Regardless of the taste, all the seafood will be packed and frozen after being cooked. If the car drove out and entered the third district, Luo Xiaran might really get nothing after walking all morning.

It's just that if the secret is really hidden in the third area, then it will not be so easy for her and Jun Lie to get in.Using the flesh and blood business as a cover, they look like lovers at first glance, and going in and out of such a place will only make people suspicious.

What's more, the two of them walked around several areas in the morning. Although many people who followed behind had been thrown away, there were still some people who followed persistently.From this point of view, today can only go so far.

Without Luo Xiaran opening her mouth, Jun Lie understood Luo Xiaran's meaning.The two walked into the restaurant in the second district hand in hand, ordered some expensive but not very tasty meals, and finally paid dozens of red crystal cores, and then returned to Yu Zhe's home.

"The food outside is better than cooking instant noodles at home. It's expensive and unpalatable. I won't go out again next time." After returning home, Luo Xiaran complained.

At this time, Yu Zhe was continuing to make octopus balls in the restaurant. Hearing this, he took out a plate and put it on the coffee table, and said to the two of them: "I only prepared these at home. If you want to eat noodles, I will cook them for you now." boiling water."

 Scheduled release~updated~Thanks for your support~Meme~
(End of this chapter)

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