Chapter 727 Space Ability
It's just that although they knew that Yuan Kai led the team to trade with the upper echelons of the safety zone in T City, they couldn't be sure that it was Yuan Kai's people who added impurities to the food.After all, Luo Xiaran had a pretty good impression of Yuan Kai, so she decided to observe.

After Yuan Kai's team got out of the car, Luo Xiaran realized that the previous team of 35 people had now expanded to several thousand people.And there are quite a few supernatural beings among them, even Yuan Kai's own earth supernatural power has now advanced to level five by leaps and bounds.

However, Luo Xiaran discovered that Yuan Kai's abilities were very unstable when he was paying attention to Yuan Kai with his mental abilities.Slightly squinting her eyes, after thinking for a moment, Luo Xiaran understood what was going on.

Yuan Kai absorbed the beast nucleus of the mutated animal!

Although the beast nucleus of the mutated animal looks similar to the crystal nucleus, the energy contained in it is extremely violent. Luo Xiaran doesn't know how many beast nucleus Yuan Kai has absorbed, but now it seems that Yuan Kai's ability has been ruined. .

Although absorbing mutant beast cores may seem to be able to speed up the improvement of abilities at first glance, as more and more absorbed, cracks will appear in the ability cores due to violent energy, not only cannot continue to advance, but may eventually life-threatening.

And if a person with supernatural powers riots, it is a bit like the madness written in the novel. When there is no distinction between the enemy and the enemy, it will endanger the lives of people around him.

I didn't expect Yuan Kai to be such a person eager for quick success!Then it is really impossible to say that the matter of food is Yuan Kai's hands or feet or his opinions.Thinking of this, Luo Xiaran couldn't help pursing her lips.

Fortunately, I didn't recruit Yuan Kai into Jun's team before, my own vision of people is still not enough!After Luo Xiaran sighed, she noticed that beside Yuan Kai, a young woman in her twenties stepped onto the truck and quickly put away all the supplies on the truck.

Space ability!If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, Luo Xiaran would have thought that there were no spatial abilities in the Kyoto base.Sure enough, quite a few supernatural beings are still hiding their supernatural powers and haven't revealed them. Maybe there may be wood-type supernatural powers in the Kyoto base.

Moreover, Luo Xiaran had never seen this young woman in Yuan Kai's team before. Could it be that Yuan Kai recruited her later?But after seeing that the young woman was being monitored by Yuan Kai's team, Luo Xiaran understood that it was absolutely impossible for this young woman to stay in Yuan Kai's team voluntarily.

Hey, who would have thought that Yuan Kai would have become like this in just half a year.Sure enough, the last days are the most devastating.It seems that I should be able to learn something from the young woman, but the other party is so closely monitored, it is a bit troublesome to get close to her.

It wasn't until Yuan Kai's team left the building with the supporters that Luo Xiaran breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Jun Lie: "Although I don't mind if someone uses my supplies to make money, if it's such a dirty trick, I can't turn a blind eye."

Although Luo Xiaran was a little upset about Yuan Kai's use of his own materials to buy and sell or his interests, but Luo Xiaran couldn't finish the business alone, and of course he didn't mind others eating soup if he ate meat.

But Yuan Kai is really too much. Although the matter of doping the food with impurities has not been determined yet, Luo Xiaran can't see the point of forcing a space ability user by means.

(End of this chapter)

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