Chapter 728 Infiltrate
But even if you can't see it, Luo Xiaran will not act rashly. Don't forget, there are only two of her and Jun Lie now. No matter how powerful Jun Lie is, he can't face thousands of survivors, right? ?

There is also a big difference between survivors and mutated zombies. The mutated zombies attack only by their own instincts, and they will not play any tricks.But the survivors are different. The reason why human beings stand at the top of the biological chain is precisely because human beings know how to think.

Fortunately, Luo Xiaran's psychic ability is also extremely convenient. She stays far behind Yuan Kai and the others, so she won't be lost or discovered. She can also eavesdrop on their conversations.

Unfortunately, Yuan Kai and others were very quiet along the way.Until they walked into a hotel, the manager of the hotel brought a lot of men and women, and began to greet Yuan Kai and others.

Probably because this is not the first time Yuan Kai and others have come to the safe area of ​​T city, so they are very familiar with the reception of the other party.The food that is rarely seen after the end of the world is placed on the table, which makes people feel much happier.

As Yuan Kai and others spoke, Luo Xiaran at least knew the price of the other party's transaction.You must know that in Luo Xiaran's inn, two red crystal nuclei can be exchanged for half a catty of miscellaneous grains at present, but when it comes to Yuan Kai's place, the cooked mutated seafood can only be exchanged for one hundred catty of miscellaneous grains each.

And if a mutated seafood is brought to the inn, the price Luo Xiaran sells is based on the catty.The problem is that each of the mutated seafood in the safe zone of T city weighs over a hundred catties. It is conceivable that both Yuan Kai and the upper echelons of the safe zone in T city have benefited a lot from it.

But Luo Xiaran can at least be sure of one thing now, that is, the act of mixing sand in the supplies was not done by Yuan Kai, because the miscellaneous grains that the young woman took out from the space were packed directly by the inn, and they were not dismantled. seal traces.

But if you look at it this way, the space for young women is not small.Before putting away five carts of at least several tons of mutated seafood, and being able to take out food from the inn, the level of abilities should not be low.

So how did such a woman fall into Yuan Kai's hands and be bound?While Luo Xiaran was thinking in her heart, she and Jun Lie took advantage of the crowds in the hotel and used their hallucinations to sneak in.

It has to be said that psychic powers are indeed a very powerful help. At least after Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran entered the hotel, they seemed to be in and out of no one's land, and finally arrived at the place where the young woman was imprisoned.

This is a room in the hotel. Perhaps for the sake of safety, the young women are guarded inside and out, accounting for about the same number of people in the team.Luo Xiaran couldn't cast mental illusions on so many people at once, and in the end, naturally, she needed to use the ability of Shi Lixiang.

The fragrance of ten-mile incense slowly spread in the closed corridor, and the people trapped in the environment began to let loose.Maybe it's because this is a place for 'joy-seeking'. After all, men are the easiest to be controlled by desires.

It wasn't until the guards in the room were also affected by the scent of ten lixiang that Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie opened the door and entered the room.The young woman was also affected by the scent of ten lixiang, but the young woman was naturally different from other men, she just kept crying.

Sprinkling clean water on the young woman's face woke her up. After waking up, the young woman looked warily at Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, who were strangers in front of her, but after noticing the strange appearance of the person guarding her, the young woman My first thought was to escape!
(End of this chapter)

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