Chapter 735
And when Luo Xiaran's business was booming, Jun Lie's results were also very good.Compared to the mutated octopus that other people need to encircle to catch, Jun Lie alone is more than sufficient.

It's a pity that there are always some people who are arrogant, so after Jun Lie only caught a mutant octopus, the target of the battle changed from the mutant seafood to the besieged team of supernatural beings.

Because there is Luo Xiaran's spiritual ability to share visual aids, and Jun Lie also has gold-type abilities, so whether it is a superhuman or an ordinary person's guns and ammunition, it is nothing to Jun Lie.

Although Luo Xiaran also noticed the start of the battle on Jun Lie's side, Luo Xiaran never thought of the possibility that Jun Lie would lose to others, so she remained indifferent and traded with the survivors.

Since there is no way to pack it on site, the mutated seafood takes up a lot of space.While conducting transactions, Luo Xiaran also had to organize the system backpack, and was very busy at the same time.

Although it is not that no one wants to fish in troubled waters, but because of the mutated bitter grass and mutated vines, and the help of a team led by Yu Zhe, Luo Xiaran's side is considered to be calm.

Until the besieging team couldn't attack Junlie for a long time and suffered heavy losses, they finally had to give up their attack on Junlie.Seeing this, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but smile with the corners of her mouth curled up.

As for Luo Xiaran, within a few hours, he harvested more than a ton of mutated seafood, but most of them were crabs or shellfish with hard shells, and octopus and sea fish were relatively rare.

By the time Jun Lie came back with the three mutated octopuses, more than half of the time had passed for the mutated seafood to go ashore tonight.Seeing Jun Lie come back, Yu Zhe led his team to join the battle on the coast.

When Jun Lie was fighting, he also noticed the appearance of Yu Zhe and this team.Although he didn't know Yu Zhe's purpose, Jun Lie was more arrogant than Luo Xiaran, so naturally he didn't care about Yu Zhe's problems.

"Thank you, do you want something to eat?" Putting away the three huge mutated octopuses in Jun Lie's hands, Luo Xiaran asked happily while holding a towel and wiping the dirt off Jun Lie's hands. road.

"Well, let's eat something together." Since they were stealing supplies at night, Jun Lie, who had been fighting for several hours, was indeed a little hungry.But in comparison, Jun Lie was more worried about Luo Xiaran, after all, Luo Xiaran hadn't eaten yet.

Understanding Jun Lie's thoughts, Luo Xiaran washed their hands with water, and then took out two boxes of lunch from the system backpack.This is stewed chicken rice with potatoes made by Dong Qing. After opening the disposable lunch box, the aroma of the meat spreads out.

The swallowing sound of "gudong gudong" seemed very loud under the night sky at this time.Although Luo Xiaran didn't mind being surrounded by people, the behavior of drooling, swallowing, and so many burning eyes still made Luo Xiaran feel like she couldn't eat.

Jun Lie squinted his eyes, glanced around coldly, and released the coercion of the high-level supernatural being without restraint, until his greedy eyes became much less, Jun Lie smiled and patted Luo Xiaran head, said: "Okay, eat quickly, it will be cold later."

While talking, Jun Lie also took out the hot and sour shredded pork soup from the system backpack, blew it and handed it to Luo Xiaran.That gentle appearance formed a huge contrast with the intimidation just now, which made people stunned...

 Scheduled release~ Men should be unsmiling outside, gentle and considerate at home, hahaha, unfortunately I don’t have such a good life~
(End of this chapter)

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