Chapter 736 Let's go
After eating a delicious steaming meal, Luo Xiaran let out a sigh of relief.Looking at the system backpack that was almost stuffed, Luo Xiaran thought for a moment, and replaced the cardboard on the table. On the other cardboard was written: "Crystal nucleus for materials, two hours."

Two hours later, it was almost the time when the mutated sea creatures landed.Luo Xiaran made a small fortune, and even tricked the management of the safety zone. Next, of course, she will leave.

In order to avoid fighting, Luo Xiaran needs to leave the safe zone first before everyone reacts.It's not that Luo Xiaran is afraid of fighting, it's just that she doesn't want to waste time any longer.What's more, Luo Xiaran would not take the risk if the ants killed the elephant too much.

As Luo Xiaran replaced the cardboard, the team that had been watching became a little anxious.It's a pity that Luo Xiaran no longer collects mutant crabs, and it's not that there are no crystal nuclei, but most of them are used to improve abilities, and it's not like everyone is willing to exchange them for supplies.

Anyway, in the eyes of everyone, they can still use mutated seafood in exchange for supplies from the management of the safety zone in the future, can't they?Although it's not as good as Luo Xiaran's, it's enough to fill your stomach.

Luo Xiaran had no way of knowing what the survivors were thinking.Seeing that the number of people who exchanged for the crystal nucleus gradually decreased, Luo Xiaran didn't feel anxious at all.

The managers of the safety zone were also relieved to see that Luo Xiaran finally stopped buying mutant seafood.After all, they have already agreed on the next trading time today, if they can't get enough mutated seafood by then, it won't be good news for them.

About an hour later, Yu Zhe and the team came to Luo Xiaran's booth with the harvest.Although he was a little surprised that Luo Xiaran changed the cardboard, the smart man did not get entangled with Luo Xiaran on this issue, but directly took out the crystal nucleus in exchange for supplies.

"For the sake of your help just now, do you want to exchange these seafood?" Luo Xiaran asked, not wanting to owe favors, while accepting the crystal nucleus from Yu Zhe and others.

"Okay, please trouble Miss Luo." Yu Zhe was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and then nodded his thanks.In fact, Yu Zhe thought that Luo Xiaran didn't want to deal with him anymore. After all, Yu Zhe's selfishness had been exposed, and Luo Xiaran seemed to be a person who couldn't rub the sand in his eyes.Furthermore, when Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie left before, Yu Zhe also vaguely felt that Luo Xiaran was angry.

After estimating the prey brought by Yu Zhe and the team, Luo Xiaran paid enough supplies.Seeing that the time was almost up, he said to Jun Lie, "It's getting late, shall we go?"

At this time, the managers of the safety zone are still focusing on the purchase of mutated seafood, because they are not sure when the other party will use the supplies in the warehouse that were sent by Yuan Kai's team today, so Luo Xiaran decided not to continue. delay.

When Jun Lie heard this, he also started to help Luo Xiaran clean up the things on the table.When they noticed that Lian Junlie also had spatial abilities, Yu Zhe and the others were already speechless in surprise.

But seeing Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie in a hurry, Yu Zhe finally couldn't help asking: "Are you two ready to leave?"

Regarding the tsunami issue, Yu Zhe has already informed the team, but because they have lived in the safe zone for a long time, and there is no room for Luo Xiaran, they can't leave even if they want to leave for a while, not to mention, if they leave here, they Where can I go?
 Scheduled release~updated~thank you for your support~wow~I have to accompany my younger brother to English class on weekends, so annoying~
(End of this chapter)

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