Chapter 747 Vegetables
Dinner is eaten in the restaurant on the side of the lobby. A kitchen has been rebuilt there, so the restaurant is naturally on the side of the kitchen.It may be because of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's status as guests, so the restaurant is not small, and only Jin Shuai and Luo Xiaran are accompanying Luo Xiaran at this time.

For dinner, Jin Shuai prepared multi-grain steamed buns, noodles and rice porridge. As for the dishes, there was only a large plate of shredded potatoes, but even so, Jin Shuai and others ate very deliciously. After all, the base consumed too much in the cold winter and rainy season. , They also lived frugally for a while.

After dinner, Yu Hong led Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie upstairs, and finally stopped outside a room on the fifth floor.The room did not have a door, but it was covered with worn clothes. Because there was no light in the room, it was impossible to see the situation inside the room clearly.

"The conditions are poor, so I can only invite the two of you to make do for one night." Although Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were not able to get a jeep, they let Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie know their secrets, but they were afraid of the relationship between Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran. In terms of strength, when Yu Hong treated Luo Xiaran and the other two, his attitude was very peaceful.

"Well, okay. By the way, I don't know if Mr. Jin is interested in vegetables, why don't we chat tomorrow morning." Luo Xiaran said maliciously as she walked into the room holding Jun Lie's arm.

But as soon as Luo Xiaran's voice fell, before Yu Hong could react, Jun Lie had already opened the door with the power of the gold system, blocking Yu Hong's sight that was too late to look back in surprise.

Although he knew that it was impossible for people outside to see what was going on in the room, Jun Lie didn't want anyone watching Luo Xiaran at all.What's more, this is someone else's territory, so it's better to be careful.

After standing for a long time, Yu Hong looked at the blocked door, and finally frowned and walked quickly to the room where Jin Shuai and Zhu Jin were.If Luo Xiaran really had vegetables in his hands, it would be very good news for the entire base.

You must know that although the base has not been short of food and drink for more than two years, the cabbage and radishes they saved before have been used up, and now there are not many potatoes left.What's more, if it is not a vegetable for a long time, even the strong body of the supernatural person cannot bear it.

Luo Xiaran was not interested in the discussion between Yu Hong, Jin Shuai and others.Anyway, Luo Xiaran doesn't think that anyone can refuse the vegetables and fruits in her hands. After all, from the dining table, it can be seen that this base lacks these things, right?

After curling up in Jun Lie's arms and sleeping comfortably all night, when Luo Xiaran walked out the gate the next morning, she noticed Yu Hong and Pei Xiaoyu standing outside their door with a pair of panda eyes.

Naturally, Luo Xiaran and the two of them would not be startled by them, but Luo Xiaran did not expect that they were so eager, as if they had stood outside the door for a long time.

"They were standing outside the door before four o'clock early in the morning." Jun Lie felt the thoughts in Luo Xiaran's heart, leaned over and spoke in her ear.If it wasn't for not being unaware of the danger of the two of them, Jun Lie naturally wouldn't let the two of them stand outside his door.

"Uh..." Luo Xiaran shook her head helplessly when she heard this, and followed Yu Hong and the two eagerly walking down the stairs step by step to the restaurant.

At this time, breakfast was already on the table. Compared with yesterday's dinner, the breakfast was not bad. There were steamed buns, deep-fried dough sticks, and flower rolls.

It seems that because of the vegetable matter, Jin Shuai and the others are not calm anymore...

 It will be released on a regular basis~ So, those who have supplies are uncles~
(End of this chapter)

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