Rebirth Revenge: I Open an Inn in the End Times

Chapter 748 Prepare your own seeds

Chapter 748 Prepare your own seeds
However, compared with the anxious Jin Shuai and others, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie seemed a little irritating when they chewed slowly.It's just that the two of Luo Xiaran have always been like this, so naturally they won't make changes for others.

When Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie put down their bowls and chopsticks, and before the dining table had time to clean up, Jin Shuai took the lead and asked, "Madam Jun, I don't know what you mean by what you said last night, are there really vegetables? "

In fact, Jin Shuai still had some doubts in his heart. After all, vegetables are not easy to store for a long time. They also found some dried vegetables before, but they had been used up long ago.But thinking about the state of Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran, Jin Shuai also thought he could give it a try.

Although they don't know what Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie want from them, Jin Shuai can't afford to exchange some vegetables for the elderly and children in the base.

Of course, Jin Shuai also understands that vegetables in the post-apocalyptic world are of great value.But Jin Shuai can't just watch his team members become unhealthy because they can't eat vegetables, can they?
"Naturally." While talking, Luo Xiaran took out a few mung beans from the system backpack, put a few drops of water on it, and in less than three seconds, mung bean sprouts sprouted.

Seeing Luo Xiaran's series of actions, Jin Shuai and the others were dumbfounded again.At first they thought that Luo Xiaran was a person with spiritual abilities, but just now Luo Xiaran also used space elements, water elements, and wood elements. It would be unbelievable for one person to have so many abilities if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

"My ability can give birth to vegetables. As long as you can get enough crystal nuclei, it's not a problem to have as many vegetables and fruits as you want." Luo Xiaran smiled, ignoring the reactions of Jin Shuai and others, and continued. with.

Relying on the existence of the system backpack, Luo Xiaran is really about to 'deify' herself. If so many things about her 'supernatural powers' are spread, it will probably attract more attention.

"Okay, I'll let someone get the crystal nucleus out now, so how should I exchange it? Can I use my grain as a seed to stimulate birth?" After a long while, Jin Shuai finally came back to his senses, looked at Luo Xiaran and asked .

Since Luo Xiaran can really produce vegetables, Jin Shuai will naturally seize the opportunity.After all, Luo Xiaran is not from their base, and it seems that she is not prepared to stay longer. If she misses this village, there will be no next store.

"In exchange for crystal cores, the most common radish, cabbage, and potatoes cost ten red crystal cores per catty. Fruits are counted one by one, and three are exchanged for one. If you bring your own seeds, then three crystal cores per catty will be fine. "Although it seemed that Luo Xiaran was at a disadvantage by using Jin Shuai's seeds, in fact Luo Xiaran still took advantage of it.

After all, Luo Xiaran's current wood-type ability is more than seven levels, and it can produce dozens of catties of vegetables in the blink of an eye. No matter what, Luo Xiaran will not let Jin Shuai take advantage of it.

"Okay, then I'll trouble Miss Luo." After thinking about it for a while, Jin Shuai ordered Yu Hong to bring up a group of people and food, and at the same time asked Pei Xiaoyu to prepare the crystal core.If the two parties work together, they should be able to exchange a lot of vegetables and fruits.

"Mr. Jin, there is no need to worry. You can also go to SJ City to exchange shopping materials in the future. It will only take a few months at the latest." Sensing Jin Shuai's determination to break the boat, Luo Xiaran smiled slightly, but she I don't like the one-shot business. As Jin Shuai's customer, Luo Xiaran wants to develop into a long-term customer.

 Scheduled release~ The update is complete, one o'clock in the morning, going to bed, getting up at six o'clock, super annoying!
(End of this chapter)

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