Chapter 749 Signal Tracker

It took two days to complete the transaction with Jin Shuai and others. Looking at the system energy in the system backpack enough to open three branches, and the remaining crystal cores for cultivating abilities, Luo Xiaran was very happy.

Before leaving the base, Luo Xiaran asked Jun Lie to help him dial the satellite phone.In order to reassure Luo Zhaoxian and his wife, several satellite phones in Jun's house were activated.

Fortunately, the impact of the tsunami has ended, and the satellite phone was successfully connected.After Luo Xiaran reported to Luo Zhaoxian and his wife that they were safe, they asked someone to hand over the satellite phone to Pei Zheng.

In any case, Pei Zheng has made a lot of contributions to the safe zone for so long, so regarding the specific situation of Pei Xiaoyu's grandson, it is still up to Pei Zheng to make his own decision.

However, because of the long distance, Luo Xiaran didn't think that Pei Zheng or Pei Xiaoyu could meet in a short time.Unless the end of the world is over, traveling is still not a simple matter.

It's a pity that at least five years after the end of the world, there are still zombies, mutated animals and plants all over the land.And Pei Zheng is getting older, so he may not be able to wait until the end of the end of the world.

Speaking of which, in order to ensure the issue of the animal language ability, Luo Xiaran had clearly discussed with Pei Zheng about Pei Zheng's ability core.If Pei Zheng could not find a replacement during his lifetime, then he would have to do it before Pei Zheng died.

Although it might be cruel to do so, Luo Xiaran couldn't give a reason that was too open and above board.She just wanted Pei Zheng's ability, that's all.Fortunately, the old man Pei Zheng was a selfless person, and after Luo Xiaran confessed, he nodded and agreed.

It's just about the candidate for inheriting the ability, Pei Zheng decided to choose it himself.After all, the animal language ability is closely related to the mutated animal army. If you don't carefully find a reassuring existence, it will be very dangerous for Anping City.So when Pei Zheng made a choice, of course Jun Lie and the others would not completely ignore it.

Neither Luo Xiaran nor Jun Lie were interested in knowing what exactly Pei Zheng and Pei Xiaoyu had exchanged.Seeing Pei Xiaoyu sweep away the haze between his brows, it seems that there should be no problem.

After accepting Pei Xiaoyu's repeated thanks, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were about to leave the base and continue towards SJ City.But before the two left, Jin Shuai's team found a signal tracker on the military jeep of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.

Because of the tsunami before, the signal tracker naturally lost its effectiveness, but after the impact of the tsunami ended, the signal tracker emitted a magnetic field, which was detected by a supernatural person in Jin Shuai's team.

"Military models should be from the safe area of ​​T City." Jun Lie said after taking the signal tracker and observing it.This is really his miscalculation. He didn't expect that the other party would use the signal tracker, and the signal tracker can still be used.

However, Jun Lie was not so angry when he thought that there would be nothing left in the safe zone of T city under the sweep of the tsunami.Just in case, Luo Xiaran found a zombie with bad intentions, and after controlling the loss, he put the signal tracker in the zombie's body, and let the zombie take it all the way to the south.

If one day this signal tracker is actually tracked, then let them go for a walk...

 Regular release~ I just noticed that it has already reached more than 80~ So happy~
(End of this chapter)

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