Chapter 750 Heatstroke
After bidding farewell to Jin Shuai and the others, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie continued on their way.Along the way, because of zombies and mutated animals and plants, the two stopped and stopped at a very slow speed.

After walking for a full month and a half, when the temperature outside the car was as high as [-] to [-] degrees, although Luo Xiaran had put a lot of ice cubes in his system backpack to cope with the scorching heat, he still felt very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, although the temperature is getting higher and higher, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie are only less than one city away from the safe zone of SJ City.After contacting the sister of the Jun family by satellite phone, the two hurried on their way.

Perhaps because of the high temperature, there were quite a few mutated plants and animals. Even the mutated plants on the road became wilted due to lack of water and would no longer attack Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie.

Finally, when the temperature exceeded forty degrees, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie finally arrived in SJ City smoothly.But because the safe zone in SJ City is not accessible casually, the two of them could only find a residential building outside the safe zone to rest temporarily.

The safe zone of SJ City is naturally established in the suburbs, but even so, the suburbs are complete, with high-rise buildings and roads extending in all directions.It's a pity that it has now become a ruined wall, showing everything after the end of the world.

"Go to sleep. I'll prepare lunch. How about eating cold noodles? Cool off with shredded bitter gourd." Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran entered the residential building and found a fairly clean room to live in.

Because Jun Lie is a fire-type supernatural being, he is not affected by temperature, which formed a sharp contrast with the pale-faced Luo Xiaran.Jun Lie was also very distressed about Luo Xiaran's situation, quickly installed thick curtains, put a few ice buckets in the room, and then spread out a mat for Luo Xiaran, talking on the ground.

"Well, it's hard work, then I'll take a nap and remember to wake me up." Although Luo Xiaran felt sorry for Jun Lie who had been driving by herself all this time, she really couldn't hold on anymore, and faintly had symptoms of nausea and heatstroke .

When traveling before, because there was an inn and there were a lot of people, Luo Xiaran had never encountered such a situation, let alone not in such a hurry as this time, so even Luo Xiaran couldn't bear it for a while .

The ice bucket melted quickly, and the temperature in the room dropped little by little.Luo Xiaran, who was tossing and turning on the mat, also slowly fell asleep at this time.While watching the condition of the ice bucket, Jun Lie took the melted ice water back into the system backpack from time to time, and then replaced it with new ice cubes, while starting to prepare meals.

Considering Luo Xiaran's poor appetite and some heatstroke, Jun Lie prepared some noodles, then cut two bitter gourds, cucumbers and tomatoes, added white vinegar and other condiments, and directly made vegetable cold noodles.

After waking up Luo Xiaran, the two quickly ate a large bowl of vegetable cold noodles, and fell asleep hugging each other.There's plenty of ice for cooling, so even huddling isn't unbearable.

When the two woke up again, it was already dark night outside the window.For dinner, I cooked some vegetable porridge, paired with chilled rice balls, which was quite special.

As for the sister and brother-in-law of the Jun family, long after they learned that Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were coming, they had organized their team and drove away from the safe zone of SJ City.Although Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie took such a big risk and traveled across several provinces and cities to see their rash actions, although the sister of the Jun family was moved, she was more worried...

(End of this chapter)

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