Chapter 751 Second Sister Junlan
By the time the Jun family's sister and brother-in-law's team arrived at the location of Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran, it was already four days later.The temperature continues to be above 45 degrees, and the consumption of ice cubes is getting bigger and bigger.

Fortunately, I let the ice-type superpowers freeze the ice as much as possible before, so although I didn't bring the ice-type superpowers with me, at least before the end of this scorching summer, the ice in Luo Xiaran's system backpack A block, it is still completely enough to meet her consumption.

Because they wanted to stay here and wait, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie first rested for two days and one night, and then began to practice.More than half of the meteorite that was left before had been consumed at this time, but because it was outside, considering the attraction of meteorites to mutated animals, plants and zombies, the two of them did not use meteorites for cultivation.

When Luo Xiaran noticed the commotion and stopped practicing, Jun Lie also stopped.The two of them looked through the car window, and saw a motorcade in the distance driving dusty on the road, crushing many mutated plants and zombies.

Expand the mental power, and then share the vision with Jun Lie. The two people saw that this is a team of about 1000 people, both men and women, and there are even dozens of children who are about twelve or thirteen years old. .

"It's the second sister and the second brother-in-law. In the jeep in the middle, the person wearing a white shirt is my second sister Junlan, and next to her is the second brother-in-law Tai Yicheng. The second sister is 30 years old this year, but because she was injured before, she came here There are no children yet."

"The second brother-in-law was also a member of the special forces before, but he injured his skull, so he was transferred to the special police department and trained the special police as an instructor. Although the second brother-in-law is so young, he is already 40 years old this year."

"When the second sister and the second brother-in-law were together, Grandpa also firmly opposed it. Unfortunately, the second sister had made up her mind, and finally left Jun's house directly with the second brother-in-law. Before the end of the world, the second sister hadn't been back to the Jun's house for several years. "Jun Lie introduced to Luo Xiaran while observing Jun Lan's team.

"Second sister and second brother-in-law are kind, so don't be nervous." Sensing Luo Xiaran's sudden ups and downs, Jun Lie said, kissing Luo Xiaran's forehead to comfort her.

Luo Xiaran also understands that the sister of the Jun family can't be Jun Lie's family. It can be seen that Jun Lie cares so much about his sister, so Luo Xiaran naturally pays more attention to the four sisters of the Jun family.

Thinking of how old master Jun disliked him before, Luo Xiaran pursed her lips slightly.She also didn't want Jun Lie to have conflicts with the sister of the Jun family because of her own reasons, otherwise it would be difficult for Jun Lie to be caught in the middle.

After understanding Luo Xiaran's meaning, Jun Lie smiled helplessly, pinched Luo Xiaran's nose fondly, and said again: "Stop thinking about it, the second sister and second brother-in-law have arrived, let's go down to meet them." People, save them from going too far."

Sometimes it's better to let Luo Xiaran get in touch with Junlan and Tai Yicheng in person no matter how much you talk. After getting in touch, Luo Xiaran will understand that the entire Jun family is probably only these two people who are 'as good as the outside and inside'.

After the two walked down the stairs hand in hand, the convoy happened to be about a hundred meters away from it. Sensing the sudden appearance of someone, the leading vehicle signaled and stopped first.

After all, the whole team knew very well that they were here to pick up the brothers and sisters of the boss and sister-in-law from L province, and they were nearby, so when they saw someone, they naturally thought they had found their target...

(End of this chapter)

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