Chapter 752 Iced Watermelon
"Ah Lie, long time no see." After the convoy stopped, Jun Lan quickly walked out of the team, hugged Jun Lie, and said with emotion.

Before, Jun Lan had planned that she would never see each other again in her lifetime, but when she suddenly received Jun Lie's contact, let alone how excited she was.He also learned that Jun Lie would bring his new wife to visit them. Although he was very worried about their safety, he also hoped to see his brother safe with his own eyes.

After all, although there was a satellite phone to get in touch, the Jun family members shed blood but not tears, and they couldn't see it with their own eyes. How can we know whether Jun Lie is really living as well as he said?

Fortunately, Jun Lie still looks like he was before the end of the world, not to mention full of energy, and his cold appearance seems to have softened a lot.Embracing Jun Lie, looking carefully at Luo Xiaran who was quietly standing aside, Jun Lan was very satisfied.

Regardless of what kind of woman Luo Xiaran is, at least she has changed Jun Lie and made Jun Lie better, so based on this alone, Jun Lan agrees with Luo Xiaran.

Besides, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie are already married, and Jun Lan won't do anything to beat a mandarin duck.At most, if she and Luo Xiaran have a bad temper, then there will be less communication in the future.

What's more, it's the end of the world, and I don't know that we won't see each other until the year of the monkey, so as long as Luo Xiaran can take good care of Jun Lie and keep him happy, then that's enough.

"Second sister and second brother-in-law, this is Ranran. We got married in the cold winter." After Jun Lie let go of Junlan, he took Luo Xiaran's hand and introduced him to Junlan and his wife. It was his love for Luo Xiaran that made Tai Yicheng a little curious.

After all, Tai Yicheng had also been in contact with Jun Lie before. Although Jun Lie's violent temper and cold nature did not conflict with Tai Yicheng, but because of their age, the two of them really had very little contact.

Now that Jun Lie has changed so much, Tai Yicheng is naturally very surprised.However, it is not surprising that a man changes when he meets a woman he loves, and what Tai Yicheng is curious about is what kind of ability Luo Xiaran has to subdue a man like Jun Lie.

Although Luo Xiaran's appearance is indeed outstanding, Tai Yicheng doesn't think that Jun Lie is a person who only looks at appearances, so she must have something extraordinary.

Thinking about Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran traveling alone, but arriving in SJ City safely, dressed clean, ruddy, and in good spirits, it is impossible to suffer any hardships on the road.

"Hello second sister, second brother-in-law, I'm Luo Xiaran, please give me your advice." Luo Xiaran politely smiled at Junlan and his wife, and then said, "Why don't you go upstairs, it's so hot outside. There are ice cubes upstairs, and I put some watermelons on top."

Seeing that Junlan and Tai Yicheng were not picky about her, Luo Xiaran was also relieved.The first time these two people met her senses were indeed very gentle, and even their spiritual power could not perceive the slightest danger.

But Luo Xiaran will not underestimate Junlan and his wife. Don't forget that they are both from the army, and they have performed many dangerous missions. If they hadn't quit due to injuries, they should already be the top existence in the army. Only then...

(End of this chapter)

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