Chapter 753

"That's really great, thank you brother and sister. Well, brother and sister don't mind if I call you Ranran, right?" Jun Lan heard that, a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, and she said to Luo Xiaran with a smile.

Although Jun Lie also said before that he established Anping City, he has no worries about food and clothing, but Jun Lie didn't say much about the specific situation.Now when she first heard Luo Xiaran talk about iced watermelon, Jun Lan swallowed slightly, her heart finally settled down.

It is really good to eat iced watermelon, so she can feel at ease even in SJ city.Jun Lan knew that it was impossible for Jun Lie to stay in SJ City, otherwise Xiao Zhenyan and Jun Yi would not be left in Anping City, would they?

But after all, today is different, not to mention that Jun Lie is not a child anymore, how to choose is Jun Lie's own business, of course Jun Lan will not interfere.As long as Jun Lie can live a good life in Anping City, Jun Lan doesn't think it will happen even if the distance is far away and it is impossible to meet each other.

"Of course I don't mind." Luo Xiaran smiled back, and then walked upstairs with Jun Lie and his wife.As for the other team members, some stayed outside to guard the vehicles of the convoy, and the other part also entered the residential building to rest.

Because Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie knew that Junlan and his wife would bring the team back, they piled up a lot of ice cubes in the residential building. Now that they entered the residential building, the temperature was only 27 degrees. , It is naturally a hundred times more comfortable than the high temperature outside.

Arriving at the room where Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie rested before, it has been tidied up as before the end of the world.The clean and tidy room, the sofa, tables and chairs, and the restaurant kitchen are all arranged by Luo Xiaran with the storage in the system backpack.

Walking into the kitchen, he opened the refrigerator that uses crystal nuclei as an energy source, took out a large watermelon weighing more than ten kilograms frozen inside, cut it into four pieces with a knife, inserted a spoon and took it out.

In summer, watermelon is naturally a must-have product to cool off the heat.And even Luo Xiaran liked this behavior of holding half of a watermelon and eating it.It's full of satisfaction, isn't it? It can quench the heat and thirst, and pass the time, so Luo Xiaran just did it according to her own habits.

Fortunately, Junlan and his wife are not the kind of well-behaved people, and they didn't express any opinion on Luo Xiaran's behavior of directly dividing a watermelon.After delivering the watermelon, Luo Xiaran said, "Second sister and second brother-in-law will do it first, and I'll send some to others as well."

"Well, thank you Ranran, it's enough to give each of them a taste, and it won't cost too much." Although after entering the house, Jun Lan and his wife once again had an understanding of the lives of Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, But Jun Lan still felt that they should save food.What's more, there are more than 1000 mouths outside, and if each person eats a mouthful, it will take hundreds of watermelons.

"Second sister, don't worry, as long as you have watermelon seeds, you can eat watermelon at any time. I have wood-type supernatural powers, and I can give birth to vegetables and fruits." Luo Xiaran explained with a smile after hearing this.

Since she was one of her own, Luo Xiaran certainly wouldn't cover up too much.What's more, there is obviously no shortage of supplies, and Luo Xiaran can't see it if he wants to save his own people.

"That's it, it's going to be hard work." Hearing this, Jun Lan nodded.After the end of the world, there are all kinds of strange abilities, and the existence of wood-type abilities naturally exists, but they have not been discovered in SJ City where they live, so Jun Lan is very curious about what the wood-type abilities look like.

 Timely release~ Haha, I like to eat watermelon with a spoon. In summer, I can solve a big watermelon in two days. I eat watermelon while watching anime or novels. The small days are very moist~
(End of this chapter)

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