Chapter 760 Branches
That night, during dinner, Jun Lan and his wife expressed the final discussion results of the whole team.Of course, they are preparing to move out of the safe zone.Just before that, the two of them were even more curious about how the inn was built.

Although real estate is no longer a problem after the end of the world, building an inn should not just be a matter of just finding a place to hang a sign.And after that, their team will also prepare a place to live and rest around the inn. Of course, they must first understand the affairs of the inn.

"Well, let's just stay here. It only takes one night to solve it. It happens that there are residential buildings around, and it is also adjacent to the main road. When the time comes, clean up the other buildings and you can move in." Luo Xiaran said before This question has already been considered, so as soon as Junlan and his wife spoke, Luo Xiaran said.

Although the establishment of the inn overnight is actually very weird, but the system is not useless in it, so even though some people are curious and want to explore the secrets of the inn, they really don't suspect anything.

If it weren't for this, Luo Xiaran couldn't have built the inn several times before, right?It's just that Junlan's team has a lot of people, and there can't be so many people in the inn, otherwise the problem of the inn can be solved that night.

"Well, that's good. Let's get up early tomorrow and take people to clean up the surrounding buildings. We need to plan, at least use the inn as the benchmark, and build a wall to house zombies or mutated animals and plants to attack." Jun Lan heard the words, nodded and spoke.

"The preparations are almost done, and we have to go back to the safe area to pick up the team members and their families. This will require the brothers and sisters to prepare more food." Afterwards, Tai Yicheng also said.

Now that the decision has been made, the speed will naturally increase.Although their status in the safe zone is not high or small, if they all leave at once, it will still attract people's attention.

"Well, second brother-in-law, don't worry, food is not a problem. I will produce more food in the near future." Hearing this, Luo Xiaran responded with a smile to Tai Yicheng.

After the discussion, the four of them went back to the room to rest.When they woke up early the next morning, Jun Lan and his wife notified them, so after breakfast, more than 1000 people started to get busy.

Because they gathered here, there were more zombies in the surrounding residential buildings.Fortunately, everyone is used to fighting, so there is no danger in cleaning up.

After three days, more than 1000 people cleared out ten buildings.Although it is still a bit crowded to live in, if you continue to expand the area, it will be a bit troublesome to guard in the future.

Besides, they didn't intend to establish any small safe zone or base, it would be safer to squeeze together.After cleaning up the building, it is natural to have a problem with the wall.Fortunately, no matter whether it is gold-type supernatural powers or earth-type supernatural powers, there are people in the team, so it takes a week to complete the preparations.

That night, Luo Xiaran started to build another branch of the inn.Overnight, an antique building was suddenly mixed in among the many buildings.

And because Jun Lan and Tai Yicheng live next door to Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran, when they woke up the next morning, they found themselves in an unfamiliar environment.

Fortunately, neither of them was a fussy person, so I guessed in my heart that this was probably the inn that Jun Lie and the others were talking about.No wonder it is called an inn, it looks like an ancient inn, it is really amazing.

 Scheduled release~updated~Thanks for your support, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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