Chapter 761 HN Province

After the preparations for the inn were completed, Jun Lan and his wife began to take action to transfer the people who were still inside the safe zone.Because of the large number of people, it would take a long time for a small team to come out every now and then.

After Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie prepared the supplies in the inn, they bid farewell to Jun Lan and his wife.After all, there are other places to go, and we can't delay here forever.

However, before leaving the safe zone of SJ City, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie still introduced Jin Shuai's base to Jun Lan and his wife.In this way, even if they leave, Jun Lan and his wife can still conduct business with Jin Shuai's base.

For the sake of safety, Luo Xiaran increased the defense of the inn branch in SJ City. Although it needs to consume a certain amount of system energy to maintain it every day, as long as the business can be done well, the crystal nucleus and energy will only continue to flow, right?
After leaving SJ City, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran headed towards HN Province.Because there are provinces and cities separated from it, the road ahead seems much longer.

Located in HN province is Jun Lie's fourth sister Jun Ju. Jun Ju is 25 years old this year and is the closest to Jun Lie in age. The two have been trained together since they were young and have the deepest relationship.

I used a satellite phone to get in touch before, and learned that Jun Ju gave birth to a son, who is now more than two years old.Thinking that the other party gave birth to a child in the last days, Jun Lie felt uncomfortable.

After all, from Luo Xiaran's mouth, Jun Lie already knew that even if a pregnant woman becomes pregnant after the end of the world, she may not be able to give birth to a normal child safely.Speaking of which, Ma Jianing has also given birth to a child safely, but it is only a daughter, and no abnormalities have been found so far.

Compared with Ma Jianing's delicious food, Junju's situation is naturally more complicated.After the apocalypse, there is a shortage of food, and nutrition cannot keep up. Even Luo Xiaran is a little worried about the other party's children.

Fortunately, Junzhu and Junju are in the same province. Although they are not in the same safe zone, they still had contacts in the early days of the end of the world, at least they did not lose news.

It's a pity that the weather is not beautiful, no matter how anxious Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were, the scorching heat slowed down their movements a lot.Knowing that the temperature began to drop gradually, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran passed through many difficulties and arrived at the outskirts of HN Province.

As the temperature began to change, the wilting mutant animals and plants recovered.Therefore, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were also somewhat exhausted from having to deal with attacks from three sides at the same time.

Seeing that their destination was right in front of them, the two finally found a place to recuperate for a few days.

Next time the two of them will never go out again, although no one will disturb their time together, but it is really too tiring!
After Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie looked at each other, they both thought with emotion in their hearts.After all, in order to build more inn branches, they must spend a lot of time traveling, so in the future, maybe they should bring a team.

Although the situation may be more complicated when there are many people, at least the two of them will not be so tired.What's more, after visiting the four sisters of Jun's family, Luo Xiaran is ready to head towards the northernmost direction, which is country E.

Country E is known as a fighting nation. Its people are tough and its force is not weak. Luo Xiaran feels that even if country E is full of zombies, there must be a lot of survivors...

(End of this chapter)

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