Chapter 762 Howling
HN Province belongs to the Central Plains region and has jurisdiction over 52 prefecture-level cities, a county-level administrative unit directly under the central government, 85 municipal districts, 6 county-level cities, [-] counties, and a permanent population of more than [-] million. third.

It is conceivable that the situation in HN province must be much more dangerous than other provinces and cities.Because of this, even with Luo Xiaran's mental abilities, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran would not risk exhaustion to enter HN province.

The grain planting area in HN province is about 1 hectares, and the grain output is 6000 million tons, which is much stronger than that in HB province. Therefore, if Luo Xiaran's inn wants to gain a foothold in HN province, it needs to use vegetables and fruits kind of it.

While resting, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran recalled their previous understanding of HN Province.It's just that neither of them has been to HN Province before the end of the world, so they can only take one step at a time.

"It's going to snow heavily in less than a month. We probably won't be able to reach Fourth Sister before the heavy snow comes." Luo Xiaran said to Jun Lie while eating fruit.

"Well, now that we've come here, don't worry any more. The situation in HN Province is more complicated, so it's better to be cautious." Although Jun Lie was worried about his sister's situation, he wouldn't let Luo Xiaran go on an adventure.

Before, I only thought that it would be more convenient and faster for two people to walk, and it would be easy to go directly to and from the inn.It's a pity that they didn't expect that the provinces and cities they passed one after another, whether it was zombies or mutated animals and plants, were huge in number, which made them tired of dealing with it.

What's more, because the system energy is limited, they cannot build inns anytime and anywhere.So even if you can return to Anping City directly in the inn, the process is not that simple.

"I think HN Province should have the meteorites I need." Luo Xiaran nodded, and then continued.Since entering HN Province, Luo Xiaran had a vague premonition, and she felt that there might be more than one meteorite in HN Province.

Because the few mutated zombies I met before had already reached the fifth level, but in HB province, the level of the zombies was still at the peak of the fourth level, and at most it was the fifth level.

It's just that the meteorite has landed for more than two years, and Luo Xiaran is not sure how much of the meteorite is left now.Wasn't it absorbed by the mutated big pine tree and mutated snake before, and Shilixiang also digested a lot of meteorite energy.

"Look for it as much as you can, and don't worry. Meteorites are not something you can get casually." Jun Lie understood that meteorites contained a huge amount of system energy, and of course he hoped to find as many meteorites as possible for Luo Xiaran.

"Well, I know. It's getting late, say hello to Fourth Sister, let's continue to set off tomorrow morning." After resting here for three days, Luo Xiaran's psychic ability manipulated a zombie They also walked a certain distance. Although there are a lot of mutated zombies and mutated animals and plants, they can't stand still because of this.

"Well, go to sleep." Helping Luo Xiaran put away the snacks on the coffee table, and then spread a sleeping bag on the floor, Jun Lie leaned over and kissed Luo Xiaran's temples, and then let her rest first.

In the dark night, rustling sounds could be heard outside the house from time to time, but because Luo Xiaran trusted Jun Lie, she was not affected by the messy noises.

It's just that when it was Luo Xiaran's turn to watch the night in the middle of the night, there were bursts of howling outside, which woke up Jun Lie and made Luo Xiaran frown.After all, mutant zombies that can howl are not only high-level, but also very dangerous. Who can make it howl to summon other zombies...

(End of this chapter)

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