Chapter 764
Because the purpose of coming out was to save people, not to head-to-head with the mutated zombies, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran drove very fast, and then quickly returned to the house where they had rested before.

However, because of the attraction of the young man's blood, the group of zombies pursued him closely.Fortunately, the house has been dealt with, so after chasing for a while, the group of zombies lost their target and scattered in all directions.

"I don't know where he got hurt. You can help him wash it." After Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie took the young man back to the room, Luo Xiaran frowned at the young man and said.

As a woman, it was impossible for Luo Xiaran to pick off the clothes of a strange man.But in order to treat the young man, it is natural to know the location of the wound.

So in the end, this task can only be handed over to Jun Lie, who made the young man fall into a coma due to serious injuries.And although Jun Lie was upset, he also knew that if he procrastinated, the other party might really die, so he could only listen to Luo Xiaran to wash the young man.

While Jun Lie was washing the young man, Luo Xiaran was thinking in his heart: He is wearing a shabby monk robe, could it be that he is a monk?Because there have been temples in HN Province since ancient times, it is not surprising that there is a monk.

However, it was the first time Luo Xiaran saw such a young monk, and the marks on the other party's face should be old wounds, at least ten years old, so Luo Xiaran became a little curious.

About ten minutes later, Jun Lie came out of the bathroom with a pale man who had changed out of his tattered robes.This was Jun Lie's first time bathing a strange man at such an age, and his expression was naturally not much better.

Luo Xiaran smiled with the corners of her mouth curled up, then kissed Jun Lie comfortingly, and said, "Okay, okay, you can't let me do it yourself, can you? Where are the wounds? Have you checked them? I'll give them to him first." Treat yourself a little bit."

"The injury on the back is the most serious, and the rest are minor injuries. Just bandage it. The most common ones are fatigue and hunger. It seems that there should be no water for a few days." Jun Lie hugged Luo Xiaran and replied with a smile. After the scorching kiss, he opened his mouth to speak, while speaking, he also pulled up the shirt of the young man who was on the sofa.

A wound about 20 centimeters long was displayed in front of Luo Xiaran's eyes, but this wound should have been there for a few days, and due to the outside temperature, it had become rotten and festered.

"Wow, it's serious. The carrion needs to be shaved off. There is no anesthetic, so it's going to be a pain. But with such a serious wound, you can still kill so many zombies. Saving him is indeed the right choice." What?" Luo Xiaran took out a sharp dagger from the system backpack and said after looking at the wound.

Although Luo Xiaran's healing ability can heal the wound, the problem is that the young man's wound has already festered. If he doesn't deal with it, even if he is treated, he will not be able to fully recover afterwards.

"Well, let's tie him up and cut the knife, so as not to delay the matter when he struggles." Jun Lie naturally knew what to do was the best choice, and said while heating and disinfecting the dagger that Luo Xiaran took out.

Luo Xiaran released the mutated grape vines to tightly wrap around the young man, and then took a hot dagger and cut down on the carrion.

The sound of 'stabbing and pulling', accompanied by the smell of rotten meat, made Luo Xiaran frowned, and the young man who was passive with the knife also frowned, but he didn't intend to wake up...

(End of this chapter)

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