Chapter 765 Monk Aaron
It took nearly an hour before Luo Xiaran managed the young man's wound and healed him.Because the condition of the wound was too serious, Luo Xiaran consumed a lot of wood-type energy after treatment. In the end, Luo Xiaran only roughly disinfected the wounds in other parts and wrapped them in gauze.

Although Luo Xiaran's wood element energy is still sufficient, but first of all, the young man is not her team member, and he did not pay him. Luo Xiaran saved his life and healed the most serious wound. Is not it?

But strictly speaking, Luo Xiaran was just a little tired.Although he had rested for three days, it was not so easy to fully recover from mental exhaustion.What's more, there are still many situations where wood energy can be used in the future, and Luo Xiaran doesn't want to waste it on young men.

What's more, the wounds on other parts are just skin traumas, which will not cause much danger to the young man at all.After disinfecting and applying medicine, even the smell of blood is gone.

After tossing and tossing for a while, the dark night sky began to brighten. It was not until Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie prepared a steaming breakfast that the young man slowly woke up.

The soft sofa under his body made the young man feel as if he had passed away.But soon he realized it, got up from the sofa in a hurry, and then fell on the sofa again with soft feet.

The back pain that had been aching for several days now turned into a slight stabbing pain, which made the young man stunned for a while, then carefully straightened up, and carefully observed the situation in the room.

The clean room, the fresh breath, and the aroma of food in the air made the young man look unbelievable.

Hearing the commotion in the room, Jun Lie got up and went to the living room. Seeing that the young man had woken up, he was sitting on the sofa with a stupid expression on his face, and then frowned impatiently.

If it weren't for this young man who suddenly appeared, he and Luo Xiaran would probably have had another fiery second half of the night yesterday.What's more, when outsiders are around, Luo Xiaran is always cautious, which makes Jun Lie a little uncomfortable.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the young man came back to his senses.After looking at Jun Lie for a while, the young man stood up holding the sofa, clasped his hands together and said to Jun Lie, "Thank you for your help, I'm leaving now."

"Heh, it's a good idea. I saved you and healed your wound, so you just pat your ass and leave? If it wasn't for us, you would be dead." Jun Lie smiled coldly, curling the corner of his mouth, Said in a cold voice.

"Then what do you want, sir? Presumably you know that I have nothing left, not even my clothes." Hearing this, the young man said with a slight smile, not caring about Jun Lie's bad attitude at all.

Before Jun Lie could speak again, Luo Xiaran had already walked out of the kitchen with a good breakfast: "You wake up, I made some goji berry and red date porridge, let's drink some blood. By the way, my name is Luo Xiaran , that is my husband Jun Lie, how about you?"

"Just call me Aaron. I'm a monk, and I've forgotten my layman's name." Hearing this, Aaron nodded, and then said: "Thank you Madam for saving my life. If you need anything, please feel free to Speak."

Because Luo Xiaran was the last thing he saw before he fell into a coma, and with Jun Lie's attitude, it was probably Luo Xiaran who treated him.I just don't know what it is that made his wound heal so quickly...

 Scheduled release~ The name was chosen randomly, and I don’t know much about monks, it’s purely for plot needs~
(End of this chapter)

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