Chapter 773 The Fourth Year

Heavy snow began to fall in the middle of the night on the second day after the three of them stopped, and the sudden drop in temperature woke up Luo Xiaran who was sleeping.And Jun Lie, who felt the temperature change, also began to take out the winter cotton-padded quilt from the system backpack, preparing to change it for Luo Xiaran.

For Jun Lie's frequent neglect of Aaron, Luo Xiaran actually felt a little cute.But she won't show it, otherwise it will make Jun Lie angry.

After sending the cotton-padded clothes and quilts to where Aaron was, Luo Xiaran got into Jun Lie's arms tightly wrapped up.Looking at the time, it was already two o'clock in the morning. After taking a breath of air, Luo Xiaran said to Jun Lie, "Take a rest and let me watch the night."

Because of Aaron's joining, Luo Xiaran didn't stay overnight for a while.Anyway, she had already rested for a whole day, and after being awakened, she didn't feel the slightest drowsiness anymore.

Seeing Luo Xiaran's resolute attitude, Jun Lie finally kissed Luo Xiaran's forehead, then hugged Luo Xiaran and closed his eyes.With Aaron's sharing, Jun Lie is not that tired, but since Luo Xiaran loves him, Jun Lie must of course be obedient.

After the three of them got up on the second day, they could see that the outside of the window had once again turned into a vast expanse of whiteness.The mutated plants were covered by heavy snow, and the world without greenness seemed quite empty.

For breakfast, Luo Xiaran served bone soup noodles. Although Dong Qing still had a lot of food prepared, considering that he didn't have much time to cook when he was on the road, he decided to save it and eat it when he was busy.

This is already the fourth cold winter after the end of the world, which means that the end of the world has entered the fourth year.Thinking about these four years, it really flies by.After breakfast, the three of them sat around the stove leaning on the sweet potatoes, Luo Xiaran felt emotional.

Compared with the last life where she was exhausted and squeezed, Luo Xiaran's life is naturally much easier.It's just that if you calculate it this way, she still spends most of the time on the road.

As more and more branches of the inn were built, the crystal nucleus of Luo Xiaran's income also continued to flow.As long as the zombies are not extinct for a day, Luo Xiaran will no longer be in a situation of energy shortage.

What's more, compared to the supremacy of imperial power in ancient times, no one can block Luo Xiaran's energy source now, right?It is also because of this that Luo Xiaran hopes to build more inns, after all, Jun Lie is also closely related to it.

Since Aaron is a power-enhanced power user, he does not need to absorb crystal nuclei to practice and improve his abilities. Therefore, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie are responsible for training during the heavy snowfall, while Aaron is responsible for guarding safety.

Of course, in fact, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie didn't need Aaron's guards, but Luo Xiaran didn't want Aaron to think about repaying his favor every day, and he couldn't let go, so he found some things for Aaron to do.

The heavy snow fell for nine days this time, and the thickness of the snow downstairs reached about 1.2 meters. However, because it was the first snow, it was still relatively soft and not suitable for travel.

Fortunately, after the heavy snow, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and it has reached minus [-] degrees. After waiting for less than two days, the road can be used for vehicles.For the sake of safety, the military jeep was not only equipped with anti-skid belts and antifreeze, but Jun Lie also deliberately used gold-type superpowers to reinforce it multiple times to avoid unnecessary troubles on the road.

But even though the heavy snow had stopped, the cold wind was howling, and the speed of the three of them could be described as slow, but even so, the three of them had no intention of stopping at all. After all, the next heavy snow would only be bigger and the temperature would be lower. At that time, I can't go anymore...

 Scheduled release~The end of the world has entered the fourth year~
(End of this chapter)

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