Chapter 774 Golden Light
Just walking around like this, at the end of the cold winter, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were still one city away from Z City where Jun Ju was located.And Aaron finally made up his mind.

After all, along the way, Luo Xiaran will also find some people who are pleasing to the eye to trade, and at this time, Aaron can 'see' the golden light on Luo Xiaran's body, which is somewhat like the golden light of merit described in the scriptures.

This ability only appeared after the end of the world. Aaron didn't even mention it to his master, but he believed that his master should know about it, otherwise he wouldn't have been allowed to go all the way north to find someone.

The general survivors have white light on their bodies, but the evil ones have black light on their bodies, and there are also people with particularly powerful abilities. The light on their bodies is related to their abilities. For example, the light on Jun Lie's body is red, while Aaron had only seen the golden light on Luo Xiaran.

When I first came into contact with Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, the light on Luo Xiaran's body was actually green, a vibrant green.That's why, after Luo Xiaran spoke, Aaron followed Luo Xiaran.

Walking alone in the last days for a year, if he hadn't had such an ability to distinguish between good and evil, strong and weak, how could he have come to where he is now.

It's just that in the safe zone before, Aaron was betrayed by someone, which can be regarded as sailing in the gutter. Tell him that the most important thing to be underestimated in the last days is children.

He also told Aaron that not all people with white light will always be good people.After all, white is easily polluted by black, and there should be no gift in the last days.

If it weren't for this, Aaron wouldn't have observed it for five months before making a determination.After all, as time went by, the golden light on Luo Xiaran's body became more and more intense, and it seemed to have vaguely overwhelmed the green light.

Aaron decided in his heart that when all the green rays of light turned into golden rays of light, he would transfer the thing that his master gave him to Luo Xiaran.Although it is of no use to him, Aaron feels that it must be beneficial to Luo Xiaran.

As for the decision in Aaron's heart, Luo Xiaran knew nothing about it.It's just a cold winter, and the sight is full of whiteness. If they didn't find a few sunglasses before, they would probably suffer from snow blindness.

On that day, the three did not continue to rest outside the safe zone.Although the heavy snowfall is over, the survivors in the safe zone probably have consumed almost the same amount, so Luo Xiaran is actually the most profitable time in the cold winter.

The passing city also has a small base that gathers more than [-] people.Although they are used to the change of seasons, the survivors also have the awareness of stockpiling food, but the problem is that they don't have spatial abilities, and they can't bring back much food even if they go out once.

After paying a sum of ineffective supplies, the three entered the base smoothly.However, because of the heavy snow, the survivors all huddled up at home, because the temperature outside was so low that even after wearing two down jackets, they still felt bitingly cold.

Since they had encountered such a situation before, when they entered the city, Luo Xiaran inquired about the base manager, and the three of them went directly to the base manager, made a deal with him, and took a rest Continue to walk away at night...

(End of this chapter)

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