Chapter 775 Rest
"Take a rest outside for two days, and then enter the safe zone, or the tired look will probably make my sister worry." More than a month later, after crossing two cities, seeing that the destination was about to arrive, Luo Xiaran looked The three of them, who were busy in the world, spoke to Jun Lie.

Although there is no shortage of food, drink and nutrition along the way, the problem is that the mental exhaustion caused by the long-term journey has been revealed from the inside out. The blood under the eyes, yellow skin, and lifeless eyes make people look I couldn't help but worry.

"Well, it's better to soak in hot water later." Hearing this, Jun Lie nodded slightly, and said while looking at the road ahead without squinting.Speaking of driving for so long, Jun Lie was quite tired, but in order not to worry Luo Xiaran, he didn't show the slightest intention.

The car finally stopped at the gate of a hotel. After the three got out of the car, Luo Xiaran waved and put away the jeep, and then the three walked into the hotel.The hotel's gate has been destroyed, and the lobby is in a mess. It is clear at a glance what tragedy must have happened here.

Going up the stairs, the guest rooms started from the fifth floor, but because there were three of them, they finally found a suite on the tenth floor and lived in it.Because of Jun Lie's fire ability, boiling water is very convenient to use. In just a few minutes, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie prepared two tanks of hot water together, and entered two rooms separately from Aaron internal.

Perhaps it was because they hadn't made out with Luo Xiaran for a long time on the way, so after the two of them soaked in the bathtub for a while, Jun Lie's hands began to be dishonest.

Fortunately, Jun Lie was also worried that Luo Xiaran would be cold, so he kept heating the bath water in the bathtub from time to time, so it was not until more than two hours later that the two of them walked out of the steaming bathroom.

Although Aaron is a monk, he is not unreasonable, so Aaron stayed in his room obediently while the two were busy.It wasn't until Luo Xiaran set up dinner and knocked on the door that Aaron walked out of the room.

After soaking in a hot bath, the faces of the three of them all turned slightly rosy.For dinner, I ate fish porridge, stewed pork ribs with pumpkin, vinegared cabbage, grilled eggplant with sauce, and red dates and white fungus soup.

After a full meal, there was a hearty fruit platter. Luo Xiaran even took out her tablet and found a comedy movie. The three of them sat in front of the sofa to relax.

"It's getting late, let's go to bed earlier. Tonight we will be watching the night, and Aaron will be watching tomorrow." After the movie ended, two of the fruit platters had been eaten, and Luo Xiaran washed it with water and it was slightly sticky. With greasy fingers, he spoke to Aaron.

Although it took a long time in the afternoon, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie didn't mean to be tired, and Aaron probably didn't rest in the afternoon, so it's better to let Aaron take a rest first, and they slept during the day.

"Well, then I'll go to rest first. Thank you for your hard work." Aaron said after hearing the words, got up and clasped his hands together, saluted.Speaking of which, compared with monks, in fact, Aaron has taken off his monk robes, so he really can't tell that he is a monk.After all, after walking in the apocalypse for so long, his hair has grown out, and he looks no different from ordinary people.

Luo Xiaran nodded, and while putting water into the kettle, she took out the tea leaves, preparing to make a pot of tea to pass the time.

And at this moment, Aaron who had already walked to the door suddenly turned around, looked at Luo Xiaran for a while, then took out an object the size of a quail egg from his body, and put it on the coffee table in front of Luo Xiaran on top of...

(End of this chapter)

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