Chapter 776 Relics

"Huh? What is this?" Luo Xiaran carefully looked at the stone-like object the size of a quail egg in front of her, and asked Aaron with some puzzlement.

"This is a relic enshrined in our temple. Before leaving, the master asked me to take it with me and give it to someone who is destined. The master said that this thing is very useful. But I don't know exactly what it is." Aaron Pursing her lips, she said to Luo Xiaran.

He also didn't expect that the light on Luo Xiaran's body would completely change so quickly.In Aaron's eyes now, Luo Xiaran looked golden, a little too dazzling to dazzle him.

Since he had been walking together, Aaron didn't know why the light on Luo Xiaran's body suddenly changed like this.But since Luo Xiaran has reached the standard he set, the things must be handed over.

It's a pity that for more than a year before, Aaron couldn't figure out what the use of this relic was.It's just that since the master said it, he just needs to obey it.

"Oh? Relic?" Hearing this, Luo Xiaran couldn't help raising her eyebrows.As far as she knew, the relics were the crystallization of the Buddha's Nirvana sparks, and they were all obtained by eminent monks with great merit and virtue. What would be the use of this thing?

"Mmm." Aaron nodded and said no more.After all, I haven't researched it myself, so I really can't provide any help.But Aaron was sure in his heart that since Luo Xiaran was destined, he would definitely find something.

"Okay, thank you Aaron. Go and rest, it's getting late." Seeing that Aaron didn't know anything, Luo Xiaran nodded and urged Aaron to rest.The boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. Now that it is in my hands, I will know the result sooner or later.

With that in mind, Luo Xiaran put the relic into the system backpack.It's just that after putting the relics in, the system, which rarely moves, suddenly made a mechanical sound: "I found a lot of energy, do you want to absorb it and transform it?"

"Huh?" Hearing this, Luo Xiaran couldn't help being surprised.I didn't expect to find the result so quickly, it's really a bit dramatic!While feeling emotional in his heart, Luo Xiaran said to the system: "Drain transformation."

As for the voice heard by Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie, who was also soul bound to the system, could also hear it.Holding Luo Xiaran's shoulder, Jun Lie kissed Luo Xiaran's forehead.

Although this was the second time Jun Lie heard the system's voice, Jun Lie couldn't help but frown because of this emotionless voice.After all, the system has no soul, and it doesn't even seem to think. Jun Lie is really worried about when it will hurt Luo Xiaran.

Sensing Jun Lie's emotional ups and downs, Luo Xiaran raised her head and kissed Jun Lie back, stroked his fingers soothingly, and focused on the energy changes on the system interface.

It was really a surprise that a small relic made the energy of the system increase rapidly.Speaking of which, if it weren't for Leng Xi's prediction, Luo Xiaran would have missed Aaron. Thinking of this, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but curl her lips.

Finally, after spending nearly 10 minutes, the system's crazily increasing energy suddenly stopped.Seeing that the system interface suddenly added more system energy than the meteorites absorbed before, Luo Xiaran was filled with emotion.

There was some hesitation before, but now with so much system energy, Luo Xiaran can build more than a dozen inn branches.With the help of the inn branch, even if she didn't have a [-]% chance before, it is enough now.

 Scheduled release~It is purely fictitious, everything is for the needs of the plot~
(End of this chapter)

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