Chapter 777 Energy
"Well, it seems that I have to thank Aaron and Brother Leng very much." After calculating the number of branches that the system energy can increase, Luo Xiaran said with emotion.

Although crystal nuclei have always been credited, how can the system energy of crystal nuclei increase compared to meteorites and this relic? I just don’t know if there are other relics like this.

But Luo Xiaran understands very well that there can't be so many such good things.But even if there is no relic, she can still rely on Aaron to find other meteorites, can't she?
When so many meteorites fell, Luo Xiaran couldn't believe that all the meteorites were completely consumed in the past three years.Even the meteorite in Luo Xiaran's hand, after several years of use, is only half consumed, isn't it?

With sufficient energy, Luo Xiaran can of course do more.Improve the defense of all inns and increase the level of the main store. Speaking of which, until now, the level of one inn is still below level six.

In ancient times, Luo Xiaran didn't have so many opportunities to obtain energy items.After all, the price of gold, silver and jade was very expensive in ancient times, not to mention that Luo Xiaran had to supply Wu Yan'an for it, so the highest level was level five, which was one level lower than now.

Luo Xiaran opened more than 20 branches in the ancient inn, so in conversion, the energy consumed is not a lot at all.However, don't forget that Luo Xiaran has worked hard for [-] years to achieve it.

From the tea room that was ventilated from all sides at the beginning to the inn with all kinds of services, only Luo Xiaran knew the firm belief in it.In order to fight for power, Wu Yan'an rarely provided Luo Xiaran with anything.

After her rebirth, Luo Xiaran had Jun Lie and so many people behind her to support her.Although Luo Xiaran worked a lot to make the inn what it is today, the contribution of Jun Lie and others cannot be erased.

Without Jun Lie running around with her without the slightest hesitation, it would probably take a year or two for Luo Xiaran to develop a loyal enough team on her own.

"There's nothing to be thankful for, and they've got a lot from you." Jun Lie raised his hand and rubbed Luo Xiaran's head, and said with some displeasure.Looking at it this way, he seems to be compared with these two people.

"Hehe, of course I have to thank you too. Without you, how would I have had the chance to meet them." Luo Xiaran smiled when she heard this, rubbed Jun Lie's shoulder, and said while leaning into his arms .

What Jun Lie has done for her cannot be expressed in the word 'thank you' at all.What's more, they are already married and bound to the soul of the system, so Luo Xiaran will not use the word 'thank you' to express her feelings to Jun Lie.

"Okay, go to sleep, it's getting late." Hearing what Luo Xiaran said, Jun Lie also raised the corners of his mouth and laughed.Everything he did was to make Luo Xiaran happy, and seeing Luo Xiaran's happy smile now, Jun Lie was naturally very satisfied.

"I don't want to sleep, I want to be with you." Because of the sudden acquisition of a large amount of system energy, Luo Xiaran was very emotional. She was a little sleepy before, but now it has completely disappeared.

Seeing Luo Xiaran like this, Jun Lie stopped talking, put his arms around Luo Xiaran's waist, and the two of them stuck together, drinking tea and watching a movie.But because the tablet is charged by others on the road, most of the movies, the two of them just listen to the sound to pass the time, and they don't like it very much...

(End of this chapter)

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