Chapter 778 Vibration
Aaron woke up at five o'clock in the morning, and listened to the outside of the room with his ears sideways. After there was no movement, he put on warm clothes and walked out of the room.

Meanwhile, Jun Lie and Luo Xiaran in the living room were preparing breakfast.Because of the large amount of energy falling from the sky, Luo Xiaran was in a very happy mood, so the breakfast was made by Luo Xiaran herself.

Pie stuffed with mutton and carrots, served with fresh preserved egg and lean pork porridge, followed by salty salted duck eggs and spicy cabbage made by the chef.With Luo Xiaran's superb cooking skills, the three of them ate until they couldn't hold on anymore, and then they gave up.

"I have already used up the relic yesterday. Thank you, Aaron, for your help." After breakfast, Luo Xiaran said while preparing refreshments and fruits for Aaron.

Since the relic was given to her by Aaron, of course Luo Xiaran would not hide the news from Aaron.What's more, if Aaron mentions it again in the future, it will be a bit embarrassing to talk about it at that time.

After all, judging from the current situation, it is absolutely impossible for Aaron to leave their side.Although it was a little troublesome, Aaron was also very useful, so Luo Xiaran naturally had to make the best choice.

"Ah, then congratulations, madam." Aaron was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then nodded and said.But he was feeling emotional in his heart, it really was the savior he was looking for, otherwise why would Luo Xiaran get rid of the thing that had been in his hands so quickly.

But Aaron didn't care where the relic was used. Anyway, his task was to hand over the relic to Luo Xiaran, and then follow Luo Xiaran to help her save the world.

"Then let's go to rest. Please ask Aaron to warm up the lunch by himself. We won't come out to have lunch with you. Remember to knock on the door if you have anything to do." Seeing that Aaron didn't care, Luo Xiaran laughed said with a smile.

Although Aaron doesn't seem to be a simple existence, sometimes Aaron really has nothing else to do.Probably because he has lived in the temple for too long, and it sounds like the temple where Aaron is located is not too big, otherwise Aaron would not only mention Master but not others.

"Okay, you two have a good rest." Aaron got up and took the lunch box from Luo Xiaran, and then said.After watching the two leave, Aaron crossed his legs, put his hands together, and whispered the scriptures.

Chanting scriptures can calm Aaron's mood. After all, Aaron did not expect that he would fulfill a major entrustment of his master so quickly.Then, let's see what Luo Xiaran is going to do next.

Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie, who had returned to the room, stopped paying attention to the situation outside.Lying on the comfortable big bed hugging each other, the two entered a state of rest.

It's just that the two of them rested for less than five hours before they were awakened by the shaking of the ground.The dizzy Luo Xiaran was finally carried out of the room by Jun Lie.

The three of them didn't care about the things in the hotel, they quickly got out of the hotel, and then came to a relatively spacious place.After waiting for about ten minutes, the vibration disappeared without a trace.

However, Luo Xiaran rested for about 10 minutes after the shock disappeared before recovering.Frowning tightly, both Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie had a bad premonition in their hearts.You know, HN province is an area where earthquakes are difficult to occur...

 Scheduled release~ Today's update is complete~ It's past one o'clock in the morning, and I'm going to sleep~
(End of this chapter)

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