Chapter 779

Fortunately, the hotel was built very solidly. Although there were some stones falling from some surrounding buildings, it did not have much impact on the surrounding conditions.After waiting outside for about half an hour, and after confirming that there was no further vibration, the three of them returned to the hotel room again.

"Looking at the situation, let's go to the safe zone early. Jun Lie will contact Anping City and ask if there is anything wrong." After she stabilized her mind, Luo Xiaran said.

Since not all earthquake belts in HN province were shaken, it is not impossible in S city.I don't know how prepared Xiao Zhenyan is. Although Luo Xiaran knew that there would be a shock, she didn't know the exact time.

"Well, don't worry." Jun Lie nodded when he heard the words, and took out the satellite phone to make contact. Unfortunately, due to the vibration, the satellite phone lost its effect again.

Fortunately, the communicator was not affected, probably because the satellite is outside the planet, so it is easily affected.After contacting Xiao Zhenyan and confirming that there was no vibration in Anping City, the two felt relieved.

But even so, Anping City cannot relax its vigilance.Because Xiao Zhenyan had been prepared for a long time, he used the earth-type supernatural powers and the gold-type supernatural powers to combine them, and Anping City was not afraid of the earthquake.

Seeing that Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were busy, Aaron didn't say much, but started to pack the things they put in the guest room for the past two days.After all, supplies are tight now, even if it is a needle and a thread, they cannot stay in the hotel.

By the time Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie finished their work, Aaron had almost packed up.But for Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie's room, Aaron naturally didn't go in.

"Don't worry, don't worry, it's not yet dawn, even if you want to leave, you have to wait until dawn." Looking at the time, it was almost four o'clock in the morning.It's just that it's still pitch black outside the window, and Luo Xiaran doesn't want to just go on the road like this.

"Let's prepare breakfast, we can leave after eating." Jun Lie nodded and said.Although the problem of vibration is not small, the surrounding snow is also very troublesome, not to mention that the vibration just now may cause the snow to loosen. If you set off overnight, you may be delayed halfway due to road problems.

"Then I'll go and pack up, and you can cook some noodles." Luo Xiaran said as she put away the luggage that Aaron had packed, and walked towards the room.Both Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie are used to enjoying things, and they took out a lot of things before. Although they have system backpacks, they can't just put them in in a mess, right?

In the end, Jun Lie and Aaron prepared breakfast in the outside room. They used broth as the base, added ham, bean sprouts, vegetables, etc., and finally put in miscellaneous grains and dried noodles. A hearty breakfast was easily completed.

Because the broth is carefully prepared by Dong Qing, there is no need to add other condiments, and the taste will be very delicious after it is cooked with side dishes.And because some medicinal materials are added when the broth is boiled, the final vegetable noodles in broth are both nutritious and delicious.

By the time Luo Xiaran packed up and walked out, breakfast was already ready.Because Junlie's taste is relatively strong, there is also a can of chili oil on the coffee table, which is made by the cook. It is mixed with diced meat and peanuts and mixed in the noodles. It is spicy and delicious, and you can't stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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