Chapter 815
Finally, after staying in City C for a week, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie set off for the oilfield area.It's just that Aaron didn't perceive the existence of the meteorite on the way, and Luo Xiaran's mood was still somewhat affected.

Luo Xiaran didn't care so much when she couldn't perceive the meteorite before.But since getting Aaron's body sensor, Luo Xiaran seems to be much more obsessed with meteorites.

Fortunately, with Jun Lie's comfort, it didn't take long for Luo Xiaran to return to normal.After all, Luo Xiaran is very clear about how rare meteorites are, otherwise, in the past four years, there would not have been only a few meteorites in her hands.

Although decades of life have made Luo Xiaran mature a lot, but when it comes to what they want, everyone will have ups and downs, right?What's more, with Aaron around, it's as if he's right in front of his eyes, and it's even more difficult to settle down.

For the sake of Luo Xiaran, Jun Lie decided to go to the temple where Aaron stayed before after thinking about it for a while.Although Aaron couldn't perceive the meteorite in the temple, the meteorite had always been in the temple before, and Jun Lie didn't think that anyone would be able to take the meteorite away after Aaron left.

Naturally, Luo Xiaran had no objection to the detour to Aaron's temple.Anyway, I have to go sooner or later, and the detour is not too far away.According to Aaron's description, this meteorite is as tall as half a person, and Luo Xiaran still couldn't help but raise expectations.

It took Aaron a year to walk from the temple to the outskirts of HN province before. It was because Aaron was alone, and even if he took a ride, the destination might not be where he was going, so on the premise that Junlie drove, It took the three of them only one month to reach the mountain where Aaron Temple is located.

The mountains here stretch for more than 800 miles, and there are many big and small hills. If it is not believed that Aaron will not deceive himself, Luo Xiaran is really a little hard to imagine that there will be a small temple in such a mountain range.

However, even though he was outside the mountain, it was not so easy to find a small temple in the mountain range.After all, all the mutant plants are overwhelming, and it is not so easy to find the way when you are surrounded by mutant plants.

Besides, so far, Aaron has only entered the temple once and left the temple once. Under such circumstances, it still feels like a dream to bring Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie to the temple accurately.

And with the end of the last rainy season, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. The average daytime temperature has reached [-] degrees, and the inside of the mountain is so humid that people can't help but wrinkle due to the evaporation of water vapor. brow.

It can only be said that this is destined to be a difficult trip.After Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie were mentally prepared, they plunged into the mountains and began to grope carefully.

Although the range of the mountains is huge, don't forget Luo Xiaran's mental ability.What's more, although the meteorite didn't know how the old monk dealt with it, Luo Xiaran felt that the ability to invalidate mental abilities should not disappear because of this.

It's just that even if she comforted herself in this way, Luo Xiaran would still feel rebellious if she walked aimlessly among the mutant plants all over the sky.

Sure enough, it's because the life after rebirth is so good. If Luo Xiaran, who experienced poor clothing and food in the previous life, might not be like this...

(End of this chapter)

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