Chapter 816 The Temple
From the outermost edge of the mountain range, passing through the obstacles of many mutated plants and mutated animals, the three finally arrived at Aaron's temple when the temperature reached more than 40 degrees and it had been two months.

This is a very small temple, only about 170 square meters in size. If it weren't for the confirmation of spiritual power and Aaron, Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie would really find it hard to believe that this is a temple.

However, looking from the outside, this temple should be some years old, after all, the paint on the walls has been peeled off and mottled, and the walls are all gray and white.

The gate of the temple was just closed without even a lock.Aaron stepped forward to push the door, only to hear the "creaking" sound, and the two dilapidated doors were pushed open, revealing a slightly gloomy entrance.

Because she has been sleeping in a tent in the mountain, Luo Xiaran has been consuming her mental power, so she is exhausted now, and she let out a long sigh of relief while following Aaron into the temple.

After entering the gate, there is a large hall.Compared with the dilapidated appearance, the inside of the main hall is very clean, as if isolated from the world, not even a single mutated plant has grown into the temple.

This is really strange, is it true that old monks are capable of everything?While doubting, Luo Xiaran followed Aaron's footsteps and walked in the direction of the meteorite.

Under the arrangement of the old monk, the meteorite was placed under the Buddha statue.What was supposed to be the place where the futon was supposed to be, has now turned into a black lacquered meteorite.

Luo Xiaran naturally didn't have much research on Buddha statues, so she couldn't tell what kind of Buddha it was.But the Buddha statue with a golden body glows slightly even when no candles are lit.

If Luo Xiaran hadn't been turning on her psychic powers for safety reasons, she probably wouldn't have noticed this.When Aaron wasn't paying attention, Luo Xiaran's eyes kept sticking to the body of the Buddha statue.

But the main hall is only that big, and after a glance, there are only a few futons left besides the Buddha statue.Even the incense candles have become empty because of the absence of the old monk and Aaron.

Seeing that Luo Xiaran didn't put away the meteorite first, Aaron looked at Luo Xiaran with some puzzlement.Noticing that Luo Xiaran was observing the Buddha statue, Aaron said, "If Luo Xiaran is interested, you can also put it away. Master has already explained that everything here is a gift for you."

Listening to Aaron's meaning, it seems that the old monk knew that Luo Xiaran would come here to die.But since the old monk said it, then Luo Xiaran is not polite.After all, the previous relics contained so much energy, maybe this Buddha statue is also the same?

And just as Luo Xiaran guessed, after the Buddha statue entered the system backpack, the system sounded a reminder.Naturally, Luo Xiaran directly transformed the Buddha statue into system energy. If there were gods and Buddhas, she probably wouldn't mind her doing so.

After all, Luo Xiaran's inn also saved many people, didn't it?The energy exchanged by the Buddha statue is enough to be a hundred times that of the relic. It can be said that Luo Xiaran can now build a hundred inn branches in one go, and he is still rich.

"Do you want to bring these futons?" Luo Xiaran asked Aaron in a very good mood after putting away the meteorites again and exchanging them for system energy.Seeing that Aaron has brought her such great benefits, Luo Xiaran will definitely treat Aaron better.

Although there may not be a shortage of system energy in a short time, who knows what dangers will happen in the future, it is better to be more cautious...

 Scheduled release~ The complete name of the system is actually not the system, and of course the energy of the system has other names, but we can't spoil it in advance~
(End of this chapter)

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