Chapter 858 Station function
Because the upgrade of the inn cannot be skipped, so this time the inn will be upgraded to eighth level.And the time required to upgrade from level seven to level eight also doubled, this time it was a whole week of countdown.

When the inn was being upgraded, Luo Xiaran was busy replenishing supplies for several branches.After all, the cold winter is coming to an end, and the survivors of Cat Winter are about to start their activities.

You must know that the interval between the end of the cold winter and the rainy season is less than two months. If the stock cannot be replenished as soon as possible, it will not be so convenient to go out during the heavy rain.

Not everyone has a system backpack like Luo Xiaran, right?Shipping supplies is not that easy either.Speaking of it, it seems that the best time for caravan business is when the cold winter and the rainy season are over, and the heat has not yet arrived.

I don't know when the climate change after the end of the world will return to the situation before the end of the world. Seeing that the land can be planted again, will the climate also change?
It's a pity that Luo Xiaran is not a prophecy, and Leng Xi, who is a prophecy, has not received any prophecy.So Luo Xiaran could only look forward to the day when the weather returned to normal.

Speaking of planting, Anping City has already cooperated with the nearby Hope City to reclaim land outside the city.Although the land can be planted, because of the long growth cycle, and the occasional mutated animal attacks and zombies, only some vegetables are planted on the land, and the income is not very good.

But as the population of Anping City and Hope City grew, the surrounding cities had no supplies to search for, so it was natural for the survivors to find something to do to avoid burnout.

After all, other safe areas and bases were still struggling under the line of food and clothing. Luo Xiaran strongly supported the survivors in the two cities to develop caravans or hunting teams.With a stable safe zone, as long as you work hard to hunt and kill zombies, this apocalypse will end sooner or later, won't it?

Don't look at the life in the two cities is very stable now, but Luo Xiaran doesn't think it will always be stable.After all, the zombie siege is not only one time, and if there is a slight negligence, everything may be destroyed.

In order to improve the combat effectiveness and enthusiasm of the survivors, Luo Xiaran really tried her best.Fortunately, she has a lot of supplies, and if she brings out some things that are usually not placed in inns and trading centers for trading, there will always be positive responses.

After the upgrade of the inn was over a week later, another new function appeared, and the appearance of this function made Luo Xiaran couldn't help laughing out loud.

This function is called 'post station'. In ancient times, the so-called post station was a place for people who passed official documents and military information, or for officials to and from officials to board and lodging, and to change horses.In the inn, it is used to directly transfer personnel.

Moreover, this personnel transfer is limited to 1000 people each time, but the cooling time is only 10 minutes. It can be said that as long as there is an inn, Luo Xiaran can "swipe the army straight down" at any time.

Luo Xiaran really did not expect that such a very practical function would appear at the eighth level of the inn.Then at the ninth level or after that, what functions will appear?Luo Xiaran couldn't help but look forward to it.

But before that, Luo Xiaran still needs to bring back Jun Lie's sisters and brothers-in-law, so that they can truly reunite as a family...

 Scheduled release~ Hahaha, are you surprised or surprised?What functions will be enabled at the next nine levels?headache~
(End of this chapter)

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