Chapter 859 Meeting
Jun Lie and the others are of course the happiest about the appearance of this station function.After all, it would be great if the family could be together.Just considering that other people are more or less managers of the safe zone, so it is not so easy to stay together all the time.

After Luo Xiaran told Jun Lie the function of the post station, the two couldn't wait to take Jun Mei and Xiao Zhenyan to experience this function.The first to arrive is the safe zone where Junzhu is.

Jun Zhu just gave birth to a baby, and Jun Zhu has been staying in Luo Xiaran's inn in order to raise the baby.After the child was born, for the safety of the child, the couple did not move from the inn back to Luo's villa so quickly.

For the sudden appearance of Jun Mei and her party, Jun Zhu was really surprised.After all, the last days have been so long, and the sisters have always thought that there is no possibility of seeing each other again.

After the sisters had finished their conversation, after knowing the function of the post station, Junzhu and his wife naturally had joyful smiles on their faces.With such a convenient function, they can pay the crystal nucleus to visit other sisters.

Although the post station needs to consume a lot of crystal cores each time, it is naturally nothing to Junzhu and his wife.What's more, they don't have to meet every day, and if they meet once in a while, it's no different from before the end of the world.

After staying with Jun Mei for a day, since then I continued to go to the other two sisters.Because Junzhu's child is still relatively weak, so this time Junzhu did not go with him.

The next person to visit is Junju. With Luo Xiaran's help, the lives of Junju and his wife have also improved a lot.When Jun Mei and others came, Jun Ju almost thought he was hallucinating.

After staying for a whole day, the whole family stayed close, but this time Jun Ju and his wife followed Jun Mei and others to visit Jun Lan's family.After wandering around like this, the whole family finally gathered at the inn where Junzhu was, and happily held a real reunion dinner.

Seeing the appearance of Jun's family talking and laughing at Yanyan, Luo Xiaran was also in a very happy mood.After all, she could feel the joy emanating from the inside out of Jun Lie's heart.

Sure enough, even a man like Jun Lie cared deeply about his family.It was just to keep her from worrying before, so I didn't show it at all.

It's a pity that Luo Xiaran didn't know that, in fact, Jun Lie had always believed in the abilities of his sisters, so he didn't think they would be in danger in the last days.And the facts have proved that Jun Lie's sisters have indeed supported for several years without knowing about the end of the world.

However, on the second day after joining the group, Jun Lie's sisters also went back to their safe zone.After all, they each have different identities in the safe zone, and it would be very troublesome to leave for too long.

The meeting this time was a bit too hasty, but they agreed that they would go to Anping City to spend the New Year with Jun Lie and others every New Year in the future.With the post station function, it will be much more convenient to meet again, and you don't have to stick to it for a while, right?

After bidding farewell to the sisters, Luo Xiaran returned to Anping City with Jun Lie, Xiao Zhenyan and others.It's just that the good mood didn't last long, and I got a bad news from Leng Xi...

(End of this chapter)

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