Chapter 860 The Birth of a King

"I saw zombies, mutated plants, and mutated animals. A king is about to be born." Even Leng Xi, who had always been calm, couldn't help clenching his fists nervously when he said this.

Originally, they thought that their lives would get better and better, but who would have thought that another danger would come so soon.At present, the highest level of supernatural beings in Anping City is Luo Xiaran, an eighth-level supernatural being, but the king of zombies and even the king of mutant animals and plants are all at level ten.

"Coming soon? Can you predict the approximate time? Or the approximate location?" Hearing this, Luo Xiaran couldn't help but frowned.Since they are kings, their level and strength must not be low, so what should they do?

"It's not very clear, I can only see that the zombie king appeared in the cold winter, and there is no way to predict the exact location;
And the king of mutated animals came from the ocean, bringing with it overwhelming seawater, which flooded the safety zone who didn't know where it was;

The king of mutated plants is a bloodthirsty mutated plant that 'eats' the entire safe zone without making a sound. "Leng Xi continued after taking a few deep breaths.

Although he is a prophecy user, the prophecy ability is also limited. For example, Leng Xi cannot control the prophecy, and even has no way to obtain more details about the prophecy.

What's more, this prophecy has caused Leng Xi to be exhausted until now. If he hadn't been threatened by the imminent danger, Leng Xi might have been bedridden a long time ago.

"How is sister-in-law doing now?" Luo Xiaran didn't have much idea about these so-called kings, but Leng Xi's prophecy could be changed, so I don't know if they can change the future by creating a king.

Because Luo Xiaran was going to make Fu Yixian the zombie king before, Luo Xiaran felt that if there is really a king to be born, then let Fu Yixian be the zombie king.

Although Fu Yixian is a zombie, she doesn't have much pursuit of human flesh and blood.As long as the crystal nuclei are fed regularly, Fu Yixian is very quiet.

"You and Jun Lie are not here. In order to suppress Xian'er, I didn't feed her many crystal cores. She is now at level seven. You can already have a small amount of communication with me, and you can understand what I say, very good." Luo As soon as Xia Ran opened her mouth, Leng Xi knew what Luo Xia Ran was thinking, and immediately replied: "If you help Xian'er break through, it should be possible, but the number of crystal nuclei required is very large."

"The crystal nucleus is not a problem, but can Brother Leng be sure that the sister-in-law who became the zombie king will not attack the survivors?" Luo Xiaran pursed her lips and asked.

Luo Xiaran has a lot of crystal nuclei, but it is actually very dangerous for Anping City to make Fu Yixian truly become the zombie king.And even if Luo Xiaran had an inn and a system, if something happened, she would not be able to protect the entire Anping City.

"Don't worry, although Xian'er has no memory, she's just much quieter than before. As long as she doesn't get attacked actively, Xian'er won't do anything." It's been tested.Because of this, Leng Xi hopes that Fu Yixian will become the zombie king, so that Leng Xi will not be killed by other zombies who need to advance as a stepping stone.

"That's good. Then I will arrange for my sister-in-law to advance later, and I will prepare enough crystal cores." Luo Xiaran and Jun Lie looked at each other, and seeing that Jun Lie had no objection, she nodded and said.At least after Fu Yixian became the zombie king, even if another zombie king appeared, they would not be powerless to fight back, would they?

 Scheduled release~ A little more plot has been added, so I don’t think it will be finished today~ Try to solve it before Qingming~ What extra episodes do you want to watch, you can leave a message in these two days~
(End of this chapter)

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