Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 104 Love Interstellar Commander 42

Chapter 104 Love Interstellar Commander 42
In the room, there was an unspeakable embarrassment.

Or maybe it's just Bai Xiaoyuan's embarrassment alone.

"say something."


Their voices broke the silence.

Cariot stopped, and he nodded to Bai Xiaoyuan, signaling her to continue.

"Just because I saved you?" Bai Xiaoyuan rubbed his ears, "You are the commander of the star system of Pruitt, and there are countless people who are willing to die for you. If anyone of them saved you, wouldn't you Do you want them to be your first princesses?"

"When you and I were found, I was completely (naked), but you were lying on top of me." Calliot showed a look of embarrassment, "How should I explain it to them?"

"They? Who do they include?" Fan Que Li wouldn't be there.

"Everyone you can think of, and Ariane." Cariot specially emphasized the word 'person'.

"Just because you don't know how to explain to them, Commander?" Bai Xiaoyuan spread his hands, "Do you need to explain to them?"

There was a hint of disappointment in Cariot's expression, and he suddenly stepped forward, "Then what kind of answer do you want to hear from me? I love you?"

"No, no, I didn't mean that, Commander." Bai Xiaoyuan quickly waved his hands and lowered his head again, "I just feel a little awkward."

Calliot frowned, "Isn't there an ancient tradition on your earth?"

"Which one are you referring to?" Bai Xiaoyuan sensed Calliote's displeasure, and asked cautiously.

Calliotte said with confidence, "If a woman sees her body skin by a man, then this woman will become the accessory of that man, won't she?"

"Ah?" Bai Xiaoyuan was dumbfounded, "Commander, I'm afraid the information you checked is out of date for a long time."

"I don't care about that, whether it is time-sensitive or not, how long it is is out of my jurisdiction!" Cariot rolled his eyes at the cup that Xiaoyuan was holding tightly in his hand, and asked, "How long do you want to drink this glass of water? "

"Drink it, but what's the problem?" Bai Xiaoyuan was a little confused.

Without further ado, Calliot snatched the cup from Bai Xiaoyuan's hand, "It's too much of a hindrance."

After he finished speaking, he didn't give Bai Xiaoyuan any chance to react.

He quickly held her wrist, pushed her onto the bed, and pressed her down. His voice was low and charming, and his pair of light blue eyes were as clear as the sky on earth, "I heard that you kissed me, it's a pity I don't remember how I felt at the time."

His lips fell down, at first it was as cold as ore, and then, along with Bai Xiaoyuan's body temperature, it gradually became scorching hot.

"I really like this feeling."

Cariot wiped Bai Xiaoyuan's red lips and the silver threads at the corners of his mouth with his thumb, and continued, "Soft, moist, and warm. We don't have any."

Bai Xiaoyuan has been in a state of sluggishness and no resistance since the kiss was forced.

She didn't resist. Firstly, it was because she had self-knowledge and understood the disparity in power between herself and him. Secondly, it was definitely not because she enjoyed it. Thirdly, she took advantage of the time when she closed her eyes to check the progress of the task with the system.

Although no one in this plane hangs a progress bar on her forehead for her, the progress of the task can still be checked.

30% is not bad.

It is estimated that half of it will be completed by the time it reaches the earth.

Seeing that Bai Xiaoyuan kept his eyes closed and his expression was very calm, Cariot couldn't help smiling, "You like it too, don't you?"

For your size!

 Yes, the next one is blocked, it just describes how these two guys sleep. .I am also very helpless, I am very clean. .In this way, I put the chapter in the comment area, everyone go there to read it, hard work.

(End of this chapter)

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