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Chapter 105 Love Interstellar Commander 44

Chapter 105 Love Interstellar Commander 44
Bai Xiaoyuan immediately jumped down.

Cariot rested on his arm, with a smile on his lips, "I don't know what's going on, but it sounds like you're talking in a dream. In the dream, you kept cutting your hands. Fortunately, I stopped you."

Bai Xiaoyuan was dubious, "Your Highness, as the commander, don't you need to go to work?"

Accepting her good words, Calliotte's communicator sent out a signal.

He got up quickly, entered the disinfection room, and started automatic cleaning.When he appeared in front of Bai Xiaoyuan again, he was already a tidy and brand-new Commander.

He recently fell in love with the soft lips of human beings, and before leaving, he lightly pecked Bai Xiaoyuan's lips.

Bai Xiaoyuan waited for him to leave, then ran to wash up.

Not long after, followers brought food and water.

While eating, Bai Xiaoyuan found that the communicator Fan Que Li had given her had responded, she quickly sent away the entourage, and talked to Fan Que Li under the quilt.

"Did you rest well last night?" Fan Que Li asked Bai Xiaoyuan.

"Well, pretty good, how about you?"

Fan Que Li also hummed, "Then how do you feel about your recovery? After all, you have lost so much blood."

"It's okay, isn't there you and your nanorobot?" Bai Xiaoyuan curled his lips, "Thank you for your concern. By the way, what should we do next? Do I really want to marry Calliot, and you really Are you going to marry Saumur?"

Fan Que Li smiled softly, "We will meet and talk."

Bai Xiaoyuan also felt that this place was not suitable, "But it's broad daylight, where shall we meet?"

"Prince Cariot's room will definitely not be monitored." Fan Que Li was full of confidence.

Sure enough, within half an hour, Fan Que Li walked in through the gap between the two walls like a god.

Bai Xiaoyuan was stunned, "Can you pass through walls?"

"No." Fan Que Li Jie said, "You can also see this sky city from the outside, it is a magical complex geometric group. I have studied for billions of years, and I have thoroughly studied every gap. At what angle, between which two plates will there be a gap and a channel."

"Your brain is really good." Bai Xiaoyuan sighed sincerely.

Fan Que Li's smile was a bit lonely, his eyes fell on the only bed in this room, "Last night, you?"

"We didn't do anything." Bai Xiaoyuan immediately dismissed, "He...he said this is not his mating (mating) period."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Xiaoyuan already felt embarrassed, so he could only continue to explain, "I mean, it's not what you think."

Fan Que Li slightly lowered his gaze, "That's great. Now, let's talk about my plan."

Bai Xiaoyuan led Fan Que Li to sit down, and the two discussed in whispers for a while.

Of course, Bai Xiaoyuan didn't participate much in the decision-making, she was only responsible for expressing her opinions, "Huh?" "Oh," "Will this work?" "Okay."

"Then we will proceed according to the plan. In order to prevent Saumir from hurting you again, I will not contact you recently." Fan Que Li stood up after finishing speaking.

Bai Xiaoyuan was still sitting and nodded to him.

He couldn't help stretching out his hand, wanting to rub the short black hair under his eyes.

"Can I?" he asked softly.

Bai Xiaoyuan's slightly drooping eyes moved up and looked at Fan Que Li. She swallowed a little nervously, "You can. We are the last pair of men and women on earth, and we should be closer."

But Fan Que Li finally withdrew his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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