Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 106 Love Interstellar Commander 45

Chapter 106 Love Interstellar Commander 45
Bai Xiaoyuan asked the system: What does Fan Que Li mean?Could it be that he minds that I slept with Calliotte last night?
System: [Shouldn't you ask him this? 】

Bai Xiaoyuan rolled his eyes: I still think you should re-investigate whether he is the last male human on earth?Wasn't my behavior just a gesture of goodwill?Even if the offspring don't circle around with me, we should each contribute one (sperm) and one (egg) egg, so we should get closer to each other anyway.

System: [Fan Que. Li said that he was sure to reject Cariot the moment he entered the earth. Do you think that Cariot will destroy the earth in a fit of anger? 】

Bai Xiaoyuan exclaimed: I heard you right, are you discussing the plot with me?

System: [Host, I am not scaring you, I always feel something is wrong]

Bai Xiaoyuan: Something is wrong.

System: [Can't tell]

Bai Xiaoyuan: I'm counting on you as an NPC who releases missions. Forget it, I'll go out on my own.

"Caliote is back, how could it be so fast?" Bai Xiaoyuan heard the movement, and immediately sat down at the table to eat.

When Calliot came back and saw her concentrating on eating, he couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

He passed by Bai Xiaoyuan and touched her head, "You like to eat so much, why is it so small?"

Eating too fast, Bai Xiaoyuan choked. She gulped down a few sips of water and asked, "Why did you come back so early? Has the interstellar event been discussed right now?"

Cariot raised his eyebrows, "It's not an interstellar event, a group of old men are wasting their tongues in vain."

"What is it?" Bai Xiaoyuan gossiped secretly.

"They look down on you and won't let me marry you as the first princess." Cariot said lightly, "But don't worry, I'll tell them that you have the earth as a dowry."

Bai Xiaoyuan was stunned, and then realized, "I will not take the blame. The earth is not just given away by me. Fan Que. Li is the commander. I have the same position as him, and I will not back down unless he compromises. "

Calliot was a little upset, but for some unknown reason, he suppressed his anger and said in a good voice,

"Don't get so excited, I'm just joking."

Bai Xiaoyuan also felt that his whole body turned cold in an instant, and said flatteringly, "Oh, I guess so."

Calliot glanced at her lightly, "Do you see what is in this room that you want to take on the road?"

"What's the matter? Are we leaving so soon?"

"Of course, if you don't quickly establish your status as the human princess of Earth, those old men will definitely chase after you."

"Oh, let me take a good look." Bai Xiaoyuan looked around unceremoniously, and asked seemingly unintentionally, "What about Princess Saumir? Is she going too?"

"I don't know. She can go if she wants to, and she won't if she doesn't want to."

Bai Xiaoyuan nodded, "I don't have anything to bring, but the few things I took from your collection room last time, can you give them to me?"

"Of course." Calliotte replied simply.

Bai Xiaoyuan got his promise and extended a hand to him with a smile.

Cariot didn't understand, so, "What are you doing?"

"Transmitter, please return it to me, Commander."

Cariot frowned, "I didn't take it away."

Bai Xiaoyuan glanced at the only remaining dagger, and touched his head, "Then why is the teleporter missing? Did it fall into that cave?"

"No, think about it again. I saw that teleporter when I brought you back that day."

"Really? Then I'll look for it."

In this room, all the followers dare not do sneaky things, so who else has the opportunity to get close to him?
This is really puzzling.

(End of this chapter)

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