Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 107 Love Interstellar Commander 46

Chapter 107 Love Interstellar Commander 46
Everything is ready and ready to go to Earth.

In order not to attract the attention of other planets, Calliot only prepared a spaceship.

Inside the restaurant.

Bai Xiaoyuan expressed to Calliot that he wanted a room alone, but Calliote refused Bai Xiaoyuan without raising his head.

Saumir and Fan Que Li were also there.

Fan Que Li put the cut fruit on the plate, handed it to Bai Xiaoyuan, and said,

"I have a separate room, you can live with me."

Saumir and Cariot raised their heads at the same time, staring at Fan Que Li.

Saumir did not expect that Fan Que Li would still be so disrespectful to himself.

My brother and his pets are living in the same room. She respects his wishes and doesn't force him to live in the same room with her. She didn't expect him to reveal this little secret to the public so bluntly.

Calliotte asked directly, "What about you, where do you live?" After he finished speaking, he looked at his sister, meaning something.

The corner of Somir's mouth couldn't help but curl up a bit, well, I just blamed Fan Que Li by mistake.

Unexpectedly, Fan Que Li didn't prepare this step for Saumir at all, "I can make do for a few nights wherever I want."

Somir slapped the table, "Don't eat."

Before leaving, he gouged out Bai Xiaoyuan's eyes.

Calliot continued to eat, "For your personal safety, I suggest you stay in my room at night and don't run around."

Bai Xiaoyuan pounded the fruit weakly, and complained in a low voice, "Wouldn't it be more effective to take care of my sister."

Cariot was not angry either, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "When you become my first princess, maybe you can still overwhelm her in terms of seniority."

"Is it useful? I don't know how many powers older than you are in terms of age."

Bai Xiaoyuan and Cariot went back and forth.

It seemed that Fan Que Li was a little redundant. He lightly tapped the table with his index finger, as if he was a little impatient, and took a chance, "I've finished eating, let's go first."

Cariot hummed lightly, and Bai Xiaoyuan immediately followed the prestige to look over.But Calliotte is still here, she can't just chase after her so blatantly.

After a while, Calliot finished eating, and he waited for Bai Xiaoyuan.

However, he found that his thoughtful waiting seemed to have no end at all.

He finally raised his eyebrows and said, "Stop eating, I'm going to the command room, let's go together."

Bai Xiaoyuan thought of Fan Que Li, and refused, "You are the officer who is going to the command room to do business. Is it inappropriate for me to go? I'm full, so I just want to go back to my room and lie down."

Cariot was not suspicious, "Okay, keep in touch."

Bai Xiaoyuan shook his hand and showed him the communicator on his wrist, "I see."

Then he asked cautiously, "Can I eat for a while?"

Cariot was amused by her flattering expression, and reached out to rub her head, "Eat, eat as much as you want."

As soon as he left, Bai Xiaoyuan vomited out the stuff bulging in his cheeks.Damn, I ate so much that I felt like throwing up.

Guessing that Cariott was approaching the command room, Bai Xiaoyuan walked out of the restaurant.

On the way to the room, she was suddenly dragged into a corner.

I couldn't help but want to scream, but my mouth was covered by a big warm hand.

"it's me."

Fan Que. Li!Only then did Bai Xiaoyuan relax.

Fan Que Li let go of Bai Xiaoyuan, looked around, and found that there was no one else following him, so he took out a small bottle and handed it to Bai Xiaoyuan,
"It's not their mating (mating) period now, so there shouldn't be any danger for you to live with him. You take this, put it in his drink, and put it in separately, just a small amount at a time."
Who guessed that Fan Que Li was a bad guy?

(End of this chapter)

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