Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 109 Love Interstellar Commander 48

Chapter 109 Love Interstellar Commander 48
Saumir gave Bai Xiaoyuan a serious warning, and then walked out with his head held high, as if he was a winner.

Bai Xiaoyuan curled her lips, now she can't keep in touch with Fan Que Li in real time.

But she couldn't help wondering, did Saumir become suspicious?Otherwise, why did you come to search her all of a sudden?Is it just because of something as simple as a communicator?
Bai Xiaoyuan decided to tell Fan Que Li about this matter.

Immediately, he collected some plant fruits, planning to use this as an excuse to find him in the cabin of Fan Que.

But now is not the time, Saumir must be on his way to find Fan Que Li at this moment.

Bored, the communicator on the wrist suddenly rang.

Besides Calliot, who else could have this communicator?
Bai Xiaoyuan pressed the button, and the small screen immediately projected Calliot's figure.It was lifelike, as if the living Calliotte was standing opposite Bai Xiaoyuan.

"what are you doing?"

Calliotte was staring at the screen in front of him at the moment, looking at some great information, and Bai Xiaoyuan glanced at it.

Those data seemed to be encrypted, and to her it was a bunch of gibberish, meaningless.

Bai Xiaoyuan lightly pushed the fruit plate that he had prepared earlier, "Eat."

Calliot's eyes were still staring at the data, and he didn't move away at all, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Didn't you just finish eating?"

"Pack it up and take it back to your room."

Cariot laughed softly, then walked away suddenly.

It was a while before he reappeared in the frame.

"Commander, what do you want from me?" Bai Xiaoyuan felt that she didn't have any sense of existence, and the other party seemed to have no purpose in looking for her.

"It's nothing, I just want to see you and listen to your voice." Cariot finally raised his eyes, stared at the screen carefully for a while and took a good look at Bai Xiaoyuan.

This made Bai Xiaoyuan very embarrassed, blushing with embarrassment.

"It's so cute, and the face will suddenly turn red." Cariot smiled at Bai Xiaoyuan.

He is so handsome.Bai Xiaoyuan couldn't take his eyes off it.

"Okay, I saw you. Oh, Somir is here, let's not talk about it." Cariot finished speaking and turned off the communicator.

Bai Xiaoyuan patted the communicator bitterly, "What's wrong."

Standing up again suddenly, Saumir went to the command room to find Cariot. If he didn't go to Fan Que Li now, when would he wait?
Bai Xiaoyuan took the fruit and went to Fan Que Li's cabin.

Ringed the bell but got no response.

The hatch can be opened from the outside. Bai Xiaoyuan didn't want to do such a rash thing, but if he kept wandering outside Fan Que Li's gate and was seen by Saumir's people, it would be a big disaster.

So she simply opened the hatch and walked in.

"Fan Que Li, are you there?" Bai Xiaoyuan put the fruit aside, but found that there was no one in the cabin.

But his clothes were scattered on the bed.

Bai Xiaoyuan was curious, at this point, could it be that he is taking a bath?

But after taking a quick glance, Bai Xiaoyuan found something very familiar in Fan Que Li's clothes.

She reached out and fiddled with it, and picked it up.

Isn't this the teleporter she pulled out from Calliot's collection room?How could it be in the hands of Fan Que Li?

There was the sound of an automatic door opening.

It was Fan Que. Li Gang finished disinfection, put on clean clothes and came out.

He was surprised when he saw Bai Xiaoyuan, and when he looked at the things in her hand, he frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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