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Chapter 110 Love Interstellar Commander 49

Chapter 110 Love Interstellar Commander 49
Bai Xiaoyuan turned to look at Fan Que Li.

The meaning of the question in the eyes is very obvious.

Fan Que Li smiled, "Saumir came here just now, and she got mad at the princess again and stained my clothes. I went to sterilize her."

He went on to say, "Oh, I almost forgot. I was there when I went to rescue you and Cariot that night, and I picked up this when I carried you away, but unfortunately, I only found one, and the other Missing."

"So that's how it is." Bai Xiaoyuan finally showed a smile on his face. What he said and the situation were basically consistent with what Cariott described at the time.

"Maybe the other one was lost, after all, the situation was critical at the time."

"Well, originally I wanted to find another one and return it to you, but I have no chance. I will return it to you now." Fan Que Li said, all frankly.

Bai Xiaoyuan put the thing back, "It's useless for me to take it back, you can deal with it. Somir came to me before she came to you, and she found the communicator on my body and destroyed it. If she finds it again I have something else on me, maybe what will happen?"

"She searched you? What about the things I gave you?" Fan Que Li asked, grasping the point.

"Well, but she didn't find the bottle of solution you gave me, and she stopped after finding the communicator you gave me." Bai Xiaoyuan is still a little scared, "If she continues to search, I'm afraid of our plan It's exposed."

Fan Que Li thought for a while in silence, "She probably doesn't know, it's just out of simple jealousy and hatred."

"Maybe." Bai Xiaoyuan sighed, "It's a pity that my communicator was destroyed by her, and we couldn't keep in touch in real time, so I came here to tell you."

"Thank you for your hard work." Fan Que Li rubbed Bai Xiaoyuan's head, "I can't stay here for too long, if she sees you, I will trouble you again. Once we return to Earth, I will never give her any more Opportunity to bully you."

Bai Xiaoyuan smiled and nodded, and made a cheering gesture to Fan Que Li, "The prosperity of the earth depends on us!"

"En." Fan Que Li's brows and eyes were stretched, and his lips were curved into a very bright smile.


Dinner time.

Calliotte invited Bai Xiaoyuan to dinner.

Bai Xiaoyuan refused very politely, and said that he might not fit the princess's eyes.

Cariot immediately understood the meaning, and ruthlessly left his sister behind, "Well, I'll eat in the room with you."

This move was exactly what Bai Xiaoyuan wanted, and she said excitedly, "Then I'll help you prepare dinner."

And it's a dinner with toppings!
When Bai Xiaoyuan invited Calliot to drink the supplementary water, Calliot had no doubts at all.Bai Xiaoyuan took the opportunity to make a request, "Can I eat in my room in the future? I don't want to go to the restaurant."

"Yes." Cariot has been fighting outside all the year round, and has never quite followed the rules and regulations of the royal family.

Bai Xiaoyuan was quite satisfied with Calliot's performance, and she didn't resist so much when Calliote came to sleep at night.

She refused, "It's so hot."

"You're lying, I don't have a body temperature at all." Calliote hugged Bai Xiaoyuan even tighter, keeping her still.

Bai Xiaoyuan knew that he was powerless to resist, so he had to compromise, but he still said harshly, "Hugs are fine, but if I am still (naked) when I wake up in the morning, I will never enter this room again."

(End of this chapter)

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