Fast pass system: beat BOSS, spread dog food!

Chapter 111 Love Interstellar Commander 50

Chapter 111 Love Interstellar Commander 50
"Oh." Cariot responded lightly, "Go to sleep."

As he spoke, he actually turned around honestly and didn't even touch Bai Xiaoyuan.


This is not a bad thing.

Bai Xiaoyuan soon fell asleep.

When she woke up again, although she was not (naked), she always felt that the clothes were worn strangely. The second button was buttoned on the first buttonhole?
Wait, why did she use the word 'be'?
When I got up to look, Calliot was long gone.

The place where he slept was not even the slightest bit warm.

On the third night of traveling in space, Calliot did not return to his cabin.

Bai Xiaoyuan looked at the prepared food in front of him, and suddenly felt that eating alone was meaningless.

However, until late at night, Bai Xiaoyuan woke up from hunger, and Calliot had not returned.

She finally couldn't hold back anymore and dialed the communicator.

"What's the matter?" Cariot answered quickly, but at the same time, he didn't have time to take care of it.

For some reason, Bai Xiaoyuan always felt that something was wrong, "Did something serious happen? Why don't you come back to rest."

Cariot took a moment to glance at Bai Xiaoyuan, and said authoritarianly and domineeringly, "You don't have to worry about it, go find Saumir and go back with her."

"Go back?" Bai Xiaoyuan asked with a question mark on his face.

Cariot stopped what she was doing and looked at Bai Xiaoyuan intently.

All his subordinates also followed his rhythm and stopped. Those who should report did not report, and those who should ask for opinions did not solicit.

Why did Bai Xiaoyuan suddenly feel that the whole world became quiet?

"I'm busy, you do as I say." As soon as his voice fell, the other end became busy again.

Bai Xiaoyuan wanted to say that there was no chance for even a punctuation mark, and the call was over.

Something big must have happened.

Before going out, Bai Xiaoyuan didn't forget to grab a piece of fruit, and went to Saumir's residence while eating.

Saumur's cabin was adjacent to Fanqueli's.

Bai Xiaoyuan found that Saumir was not in her cabin, but was arguing with Fan Que Li, so she quickly found a place to hide.

"Is the princess suspicious of me?" Fan Que Li asked unhurriedly.

"It can't be me and my brother, right? Do you know how many enemy fleets are waiting for us in front of us?" Saumir was anxious, as if his whole body was about to smoke.

The look on Fan Que Li's face was still so indifferent, "It's not the princess or Your Highness, maybe there is something wrong with your guards. I must leave this trip. The princess is worried about her own safety, so she can return first."

"A joke! Am I going to abandon you and my brother in danger!" Saumir frowned, "Fan Que Li, you underestimate me too."

"What's the use of the princess staying? Is it to distract your brother? Your brother has already issued an order. Can the princess' own words count?" Fan Que Li seemed to have disdain on his face.

"I'll talk to my brother!" Saumir gritted his teeth angrily, turned around and strode away.

"Come out." After Saumir left, Fan Que Li looked at the direction outside the cabin door and shouted.

"How do you know I'm here?" Bai Xiaoyuan walked out with a bow.

Fan Que Li hooked his lips, "I just know."

Bai Xiaoyuan scratched his head, "What happened? Why did Calliot ask Saumir to take me back?"

"Caliot's army deployed around the earth has been raided. It is said that several planets have joined forces to fight together."

Bai Xiaoyuan thought for a while, but couldn't think of the reason, "Why?"

"because I."

 From the author's draft box, see you tomorrow. .Although it is the draft box and not the person, those who should vote should still vote!

(End of this chapter)

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