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Chapter 112 Love Interstellar Commander 51

Chapter 112 Love Interstellar Commander 51
Bai Xiaoyuan suddenly realized, "They also want to invade the earth?"

"Hmph," Fan Que Li sneered in response.

"But this time we went on a secret trip, and Calliot didn't bring anyone with him. Why did the news leak out so quickly?"

Bai Xiaoyuan thought of the quarrel between Somir and Fan Que Li just now, and asked suspiciously, "Could it"

Fan Que Li didn't answer right away, but stared deeply at Bai Xiaoyuan for a long time, and sighed softly.

Bai Xiaoyuan immediately understood everything, she was a little choked up, but she still chose to stand in Fanque Li.

"I understand that we are weak, there are only two people in total, and we can only choose the most effective method to reap the benefits of fishing."

Fan Que. Li Mulu was grateful, and held Bai Xiaoyuan's hand, "Thank you, I hope you can stand with me."

Bai Xiaoyuan nodded, "Of course, we are the same kind."

But she still couldn't help worrying, "Will Calliot be okay? He can't be okay. If he dies, Pruitt will not let us go. After all, we have nothing now."

"Well, I understand." Fan Que Li looked at Bai Xiaoyuan with deep meaning in his eyes, and smiled to comfort her, "That's why I gave you that bottle of solution, which is filled with nano-robots on my body. Can help Cariot."

"Oh." Bai Xiaoyuan nodded flusteredly, "He didn't go back to his room for dinner tonight, and he probably won't in the next few days either. I'll secretly drink it for him whenever I get a chance."

Fan Que Li nodded in agreement.

"Okay, then I'll go first." Bai Xiaoyuan withdrew his hand, "I'm going to find him, I don't want to go back to Pruit Star."

"Go, Saumir doesn't want to go back anyway, he can't just send you back alone."

Bai Xiaoyuan's temple twitched violently.How come there is a feeling that everything is in Fan Que Li's calculations?I felt a little uneasy in my heart.

Bai Xiaoyuan ran to the command room.

At this moment, except for Saumir, no one else has time to take care of her at all.

Saumir glanced at her, "What are you doing here? I don't have time to take you back."

Hearing this, Cariot finally shifted his gaze, and his eyes fell on Bai Xiaoyuan, and comforted Saumir, "Don't make trouble, I must ensure your safety."

"The prince of Pruit can fight, and so can the princess! Apart from being Her Royal Highness, I, Saumir, am also a warrior!" Saumir yelled in a low voice, refusing to follow Calliotte's tricks at all.

"You are right. In addition to being a fighter, you can also become a commander in the future. I have always believed in you Saumir. But a good commander will not fight unprepared battles. I will not let you I rushed forward under unknown circumstances because I don't want you to have any surprises!"

Calliote spoke earnestly and wanted to continue persuading.

But at this moment, Somir didn't listen to any advice at all, "Anyway, the reinforcements are on the way, and I just want to be with you, brother!"

After she finished speaking, only Calliotte was left behind.

Cariot helped his forehead, he was really helpless about his younger sister.

Bai Xiaoyuan offered a drink at the right time, "Didn't eat tonight, let's have something to drink first."

Cariot was startled, and then the tired look on his face eased a little, and he happily took the cup.

Bai Xiaoyuan reached out to catch the cup he returned, and suddenly hugged his waist. At this moment, her heart beat faster, and the only way to relieve it was to hug him tighter, tighter.

And Cariot, unexpectedly, froze in place.
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(End of this chapter)

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