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Chapter 113 Love Interstellar Commander 52

Chapter 113 Love Interstellar Commander 52
Everything around seems to have become a background board.

Cariot is in a video call with the generals who are guarding the earth on the front line.

This scene undoubtedly fell into their eyes.

However, no one dared to interrupt this peaceful and warm few seconds.

It was Bai Xiaoyuan himself who realized that this behavior was somewhat irrelevant at this time, so he withdrew his body.

She felt a little embarrassed in front of everyone, but she still bravely met Calliot's probing gaze, "If I don't leave, you still want to take me back to Earth, won't you?"

Calliotte frowned.

"Hurry up and say yes!" Bai Xiaoyuan urged with a smile.

"Where did you get the tongue twister?" Calliot didn't quite understand.But no matter how worried he was about her life and death, he was still connected with other generals, how could he lose his momentum.

He hooked his lips and smiled, "Of course, I am Calliotte, I am invincible!"

"That's right! This is our big interstellar commander!" Bai Xiaoyuan raised his small fist, punched Calliot on the shoulder, and then quickly exited the video area.

The reinforcements have not yet arrived, and the frontline team is trapped in a fierce battle, and Calliot is urgently needed to take command.

Saumir was assigned to stay in the spaceship to protect Fan Que Li and wait for reinforcements to arrive here.

Most of the main force left, and that night, Fan Que Li took control of Saumur.

Originally, it was Fan Que Li who invited Saumir to have dinner, and Saumir's joy at this was undisguised and palpable.

Unexpectedly, what she went to was a grand banquet.

"I have suspected you for a long time, but I have never told my brother. Did I misunderstand you? Fan Que. Li." Saumir was a little disappointed, but his eyes were filled with resentment!

"We have different positions." Fan Que Li took out a container and shook the transparent liquid inside, "Do you know what this is?"

"Beta acid." Saumir raised his eyebrows, "You humans are really cunning, we brothers and sisters misunderstood the person."

"I know you love beauty, so you should drink it, or the surface will be corroded and ugly." Fan Que Li hangs down his eyes, "I want to thank you, you woke me up again, otherwise I am still the member of your Jue Ye royal family at this moment." A dormant collection."

"Where did you get the beta acid?"

After Calliot left, Bai Xiaoyuan felt a little uneasy, but Fan Que Li was nowhere to be found, not even Saumir.

There were no guards in the command room either. Bai Xiaoyuan was discovered by Fan Que Li and Saumir from the surveillance in the control room.

She rushed over immediately and interrupted Fan Que Li.

Saumir was bound by chains, and the chains were coated with beta acid, leaving traces of corrosion wherever they came into contact with her skin.

"Where did you get the beta acid?" Bai Xiaoyuan asked again, she didn't even dare to think deeply about some things.

When Suomi heard this, he gave Bai Xiaoyuan a disdainful look, "Where else can I come from, don't you know?"

Bai Xiaoyuan didn't want to argue with his teammates in front of Saumir, so he walked over in two or three steps, "Master Fan Que Li, please come out with me."

Fan Que Li was dragged out by Bai Xiaoyuan.

"You lied to me." Bai Xiaoyuan's words were full of disappointment, "You took the teleporter from me on purpose, didn't you? Just to go back and get the beta acid."

"I'm sorry," Fan Que Li lowered his eyes, "It was my fault for not telling you the truth later, I just didn't want to cause trouble."
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(End of this chapter)

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