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Chapter 114 Love Interstellar Commander 53

Chapter 114 Love Interstellar Commander 53
"But we are teammates."

Bai Xiaoyuan said angrily, "If you don't tell me anything, aren't you afraid that I will cheat you without knowing it?"

Fan Que Li quietly listened to Bai Xiaoyuan's words.

After Bai Xiaoyuan finished speaking, Fan Que Li suddenly raised his eyes, "I thought you were blaming me."

"No matter what, our goal is the same. I will always stand by you on this point. I know that it is the best choice for us to take advantage of the chaos and return to Earth, but if you kill Saumir now, once we make enemies, we will really die." There is no way out."

Bai Xiaoyuan grabbed Fan Que Li's arm, "Don't kill her yet."

"Okay." Fan Que Li nodded, "I promise you, I won't kill her now."

He said, turning to leave.

"Wait!" Bai Xiaoyuan stopped him again, "Please tell me the truth, don't lie to me again, what exactly is it that you asked me to drink for Calliotte?"

Fan Que Li turned his head and stared at Bai Xiaoyuan, "Are you in love with him?"

Bai Xiaoyuan was speechless for a while, and returned after a while, "No, I'm just asking. Tell me quickly."

Fan Que Li rubbed Bai Xiaoyuan's head, "It's not beta acid after all, so you can rest assured now."

"That's right." Bai Xiaoyuan nodded, after all, he didn't feel any discomfort when he drank it.

To reap the benefits of the fisherman, it is inevitable that the reinforcements will not be brought to Calliot smoothly.

Fan Que. Li used satellite interference to convey wrong route information to the reinforcements through Saumur's private channel, prolonging the time for the reinforcements to reach the front line.

He drove the spaceship forward unhurriedly.

When approaching the battlefield, Bai Xiaoyuan was dumbfounded.

She didn't know how many planets Fan Que Li had secretly sent messages to.This war is too tragic.

It was like a huge garbage dump, with no gunpowder smoke, no flames of war, just endless dust and wreckage of warships.

There seemed to be aliens and broken warships struggling in the distance.Fan Que. Li didn't need to distinguish which planet's power it was, and immediately swept it after targeting it, leaving nothing behind.

What about Calliot, is he dead too?

Bai Xiaoyuan looked around, but couldn't look down at all, she suddenly felt empty in her heart.

That silver-haired, muscular male Alion, the guy who likes to cuddle her to sleep, and the domineering warm guy who peels fruit for her.

"I'm sorry." Bai Xiaoyuan burst into tears, squatted down, hugged his knees, "I'm sorry Calliot, we have different positions. You are the interstellar commander, you want the earth, but I am a descendant of the earth, and I also have my mission. I can't give it up. I'm really sorry."

"It's the best outcome for us that the two parties die together. We need to leave here as soon as possible." Fan Que Li walked over and hugged Bai Xiaoyuan.

Bai Xiaoyuan wiped away tears and stood up.

Fan Que Li had already changed into his spacesuit, and he handed a set to Bai Xiaoyuan, "Put it on, we are going home."

"What about Somir? What about her?" Bai Xiaoyuan sniffed.

"Pruit's army has been wiped out, and our purpose has been exposed. Saumir has no reason to live. After we enter the earth, I will blow up this spaceship."

He took off the communicator in Bai Xiaoyuan's hand and threw it on the ground casually, "You and I also died here today, do you understand?"

"But Saumir still..."

(End of this chapter)

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