Chapter 134
"Why don't you keep it, we don't have it in our car."

The agent opened the medicine box and pulled the band-aid inside, "This is a good thing. If you wear high heels for activities, you can definitely use it."

Xu Mi'er closed her eyes and listened to him. She was extremely impatient and slapped the table for the last time, "Did you hear that I told you to throw it away? I'm short of something? This kind of thing should stay in the trash can!"

It was rare for the manager to see Xu Mier lose such a temper, and he hurriedly waited on him, "All right, my ancestor Xu, I understand, I'll just go and throw it away, ah."

Bai Xiaoyuan put away his phone and saved the short video he just took intact.

She didn't come out of the props room until after Xu Mier and his manager left.

At this time, Li Ya and Tang Yuan were still filming.

Bai Xiaoyuan went to the nearest trash can, and sure enough, he saw the medicine box inside.

She immediately took a photo of him, and then rushed to the clinic outside the film and television base.

To get out of the film and television base, you have to bypass the filming scene where "Three Realms" is being filmed.

Li Ya was still filming, and Tang Yuan was touching up her makeup after watching the replay.

He saw Bai Xiaoyuan passing through the scene from a distance, and immediately beckoned to his assistant, pointed in the direction Bai Xiaoyuan left, and said, "Go and follow her, why is she running around so late."

The assistant let out a hey, and immediately ran after him.

"It's over, it's over! Everyone has worked hard!" The assistant director held up the horn and announced that today's work is over.

Liya rubbed her shoulders and thanked everyone, "The director has worked hard! The prop brother has worked hard!"

Seeing her thank you one by one, Tang Yuan found it funny.

This little girl is really innocent.

He pulled the man over, "Okay, don't thank me, it will be dawn after you finish thanking me like this!"

Liya rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment, "It's the first night scene, I think everyone has worked hard."

Tang Yuan nodded, "Yes, it hurts the skin very much, go back and rest early. Oh, by the way, how is your shoulder? Does it still hurt?"

"Hiss..." Liya shrugged her shoulders, "It's okay if you don't say it, but it hurts when you say it."

Liya said, reaching out for it.

"Oh, don't touch it." Tang Yuan stopped Li Ya and grabbed her wrist.

This sudden physical contact made Liya's heart beat faster and her face turned red.

Tang Yuan noticed her strangeness, and immediately withdrew his hand, "I'm sorry, what I mean is, you don't know how the injury is, so it's best not to touch it randomly."

Liya blushed and lowered her head, humming lightly.

Tang Yuan turned his head, saw his assistant coming, hurriedly raised his legs and walked over, and asked eagerly, "Why are you alone, where is she?"

The assistant quickly answered Tang Yuan's question.

Seeing that they had finished their conversation, Liya walked over, "Together? Go take off your makeup."

"Okay." Tang Yuan showed a perfect smile to Li Ya, and walked quickly towards the dressing room.

Bai Xiaoyuan was already waiting there.

Seeing Liya coming in, he immediately put down the phone, but when he saw Tang Yuan behind Liya, he immediately frowned.

"Yuanyuan, why haven't you left so late?" Li Ya was surprised to see Bai Xiaoyuan.

"I'm waiting for you. Are you hungry? I bought a midnight snack." Bai Xiaoyuan lifted the fragrant lunch box in his hand, "Your favorite skewer!"

"Well, it smells so good." Liya hugged Bai Xiaoyuan happily, "Thank you Yuanyuan, you know me best!"

She turned around and invited Tang Yuan, "Brother Yuan, do you want to eat together?"

As soon as Assistant Tang Yuan wanted to refuse, Tang Yuan himself replied in seconds, "Okay, I just happened to be hungry."

Bai Xiaoyuan really didn't want to create any chance for the two of them to get along in private, so he immediately added, "No, I only bought for two."

Will Yuan Yuan let Yuan stay?Do you really want the three of you to have a barbecue together?What if the deer in Liya's heart bumps into her again?
See you tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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