Chapter 135
The smile on Liya's face froze, feeling a little embarrassed.

Then she immediately rubbed against Bai Xiaoyuan, touched her arm quietly, and said to Tang Yuan,
"It's okay, I can eat a little less, half of my brother Fenyuan." Li Ya touched her face, "I'm also afraid that I'll grow meat if I eat too much."

Tang Yuan smiled smugly at Bai Xiaoyuan, and directed his assistant to clean up a table.

Liya recommended to Tang Yuan in turn what she thought was delicious.

Tang Yuan said that it looked really good, but he never took it.

Li Ya was puzzled, "Brother Yuan, what's the matter, you don't eat spicy food? But I heard from Shi Yan that you like spicy food very much."

Tang Yuan smiled, before he could think of a word, Bai Xiaoyuan stared at them and asked,
"You guys have known each other for a long time?"... And, who is Shiyan?

"Oh, Liya is my sister's friend." Tang Yuan replied immediately.

"Ah?" Bai Xiaoyuan looked at Li Ya with a smile, "So you've known big stars for a long time, why haven't you mentioned them before?"

Liya took out a piece of paper and wiped the oil stains from the corners of her mouth, "Didn't I tell you that when I was playing with the drift bottle, I met a friend, her name is Tang Shiyan, and I only found out later that Shiyan and Brother Yuan are brothers and sisters of."

"Then you used to meet often?"

Fuck, there is actually a hidden plot here, who still plays with a drift bottle these days, even playing with a drift bottle can hook up with a big star's sister, and the system didn't reveal it to me at all, the two of them are not in harmony now It would already be love is stronger than gold.

Fortunately, Li Ya came out to rectify her name, "No, I've only seen it a few times. Brother Yuan is a big celebrity, so it's not so easy to meet."

"So that's how it is." Bai Xiaoyuan was relieved, it's okay, otherwise the task would be more difficult.

As for Tang Yuan, he has been observing Bai Xiaoyuan from the beginning to the end.

Seeing her relieved expression at this moment, I actually felt a sense of accomplishment faintly in my heart, thinking that Bai Xiaoyuan's heart must have fallen into his daytime kissing.

"Brother Yuan, try this." Li Ya handed over a bunch of grilled enoki mushrooms.

To be honest, things like roasted enoki mushrooms and roasted leeks are really a test of people's eating habits, and if they are not careful, they will destroy the beauty of the eater's face.

And when a smart person sees Tang Yuan's appearance, he knows that he is a man who looks down on him, and it is very likely that he has never eaten barbecue.

Unclean handed the Flammulina velutipes over for a while, but Tang Yuan didn't make any further moves.

Bai Xiaoyuan glanced at him and took it, "If you don't eat it, I will eat it."

It was still the same after that, when Liya handed things over, Tang Yuan's reaction was always a bit slow, and Bai Xiaoyuan was almost starving to death, so he took over one by one.

Li Ya was afraid that Tang Yuan would be angry at first, but seeing that he didn't show any dissatisfaction, it was Yuan Yuan who had the four big characters 'expressionless' written on his face.

Liya asked tentatively, "Yuanyuan, is there any misunderstanding between you and Brother Yuan? I think something happened between you during the day?"

Bai Xiaoyuan stopped eating, took out a piece of paper and wiped his mouth clean, "Yeah, I accidentally tripped during the day and was pushed to the ground by Mr. Tang, look, my lips were gnawed .”

Bai Xiaoyuan said, leaning over to show Liya the wound on her lower lip.

Sure enough, there was a small opening.

For some reason, Riya's heart suddenly felt a dull pain.

But Tang Yuan narrowed his eyes slightly, without any shyness?be honest?What kind of trick is this? ——
Yuanyuan is scheming, hahaha

Thanks to @并上上的九九 for contributing a Tang Shiyan MM.

(End of this chapter)

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