Chapter 136
Seeing that Tang Yuan was not unhappy, the assistant was also embarrassed to lose his temper, and reminded Bai Xiaoyuan with a smile, "Miss, please don't talk about this matter outside in the future, I'm worried that tabloid reporters outside will write randomly."

Bai Xiaoyuan didn't look up at him at all, "Don't worry, if your boss doesn't say anything, I won't say anything, and neither will our Liya, right?"

Bai Xiaoyuan patted Liya on the shoulder, seeing that her face was a little ugly.She took a deep breath, and thought to herself: I'm sorry, Liya, anyway, you won't be with your second male number in the end, so it's better to let you die as soon as possible.

Liya nodded lightly, and was not in the mood to eat skewers anymore.

It's not interesting for Bai Xiaoyuan to eat alone, so he just shut up.

Bringing a paper bag over, "Mr. Xiao ordered someone to bring you something. Someone came here just now. I saw that you haven't come back yet, so I took it for you."

Liya was not in a high mood, "What is it?"

"I don't know, I didn't look at it either." Bai Xiaoyuan handed the things to Li Ya, watching her expression.

Liya took out a plastic bag from the paper bag, opened it, it turned out to be medicine, and there was a note with instructions on how to use the medicine.

Her brows were tightly furrowed, and after a while they were relaxed again, and the corners of her mouth finally lifted a little.

Good results!Bai Xiaoyuan was thinking that it would be reasonable for her to ask Xiao Rui for a fee.

Tang Yuan raised his eyebrows, and stared at Bai Xiaoyuan thoughtfully for a long time.

Bai Xiaoyuan smiled at him, "Then I'll help Liya remove her makeup first."

Bai Xiaoyuan helps Li Ya deal with the wound.

"That Xu Mi'er was too ruthless, do you have a grudge against her?"

"How could it be? This is the first time I've seen her in real life." Li Ya persuaded Bai Xiaoyuan, "But don't say that, we should look at the bright side in everything. Today's scene is really not easy to grasp. She accidentally injured her. Me, I don't blame her."

Bai Xiaoyuan couldn't hold back, and the hand rubbing the alcohol became heavier.

"Anyway, you should pay more attention to her in the future. Maybe she is jealous that you are younger and more beautiful than her."

"Yuanyuan! You're talking nonsense again, you're only beautiful if you say you're beautiful."

"But I'm not the second female lead who plays so much!" Bai Xiaoyuan almost blurted out.

Liya listened and comforted her, "It's okay Yuanyuan, gold always shines, don't you see that today the director took the initiative to change roles for you because of your acting skills."

"By the way, Yuanyuan, why did you bump into Brother Yuan today?" Liya turned around regardless of her injuries.

Bai Xiaoyuan pulled her over, "It's time to apply the medicine!"

"Coincidentally, today I saw you being thrown down by that maidservant, the director shouted to stop, I thought something serious happened, so I wanted to go over to have a look, and accidentally bumped into Tang Yuan in a panic."

Bai Xiaoyuan made up lies without changing his expression.

After hearing this, Liya immediately asked her, "What about Tang Yuan, is he going to visit me too?"

"It's not like that. I heard his assistant say that it was too hot to buy a popsicle. He seemed to get up to get the popsicle or something. I didn't hear it clearly. Anyway, he was thrown to the ground solidly by him."

Bai Xiaoyuan said, pretending to be immersed in memories, with a sweet and inextricable look, "I was so anxious at the time, I didn't even know how his lips felt."

There are a hundred voices in Li Ya's heart clamoring, she really wants Bai Xiaoyuan to stop recalling immediately, but what position does she have to interrupt what her good friend is saying?

She continued to listen, with a long torment like a small fire in her heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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