Chapter 148
As soon as Tang Yuan said this.

Bai Xiaoyuan paused.

The first one who couldn't sit still was Tang Shiyan. She was afraid that her brother would bring this annoying scheming whore, Bai Xiaoyuan, and immediately urged, "What time is it, brother, my seat has been reserved, what are we waiting for?"

Tang Yuan patted his younger sister's head, "Anyway, the seats are reserved, and no one else can take them away."

Tang Shiyan pouted sullenly, really shooting herself in the foot.

"Let's go together, Xiaoyuan."

"Brother!" Tang Shiyan scolded.

"What's wrong with Shiyan?" Tang Yuanming asked knowingly.

"I don't know her, why should I have dinner with her?"

"I just introduced you to each other." Tang Yuan rubbed his sister's head amusedly, then turned to Li Ya.

Liya also persuaded, "Yuanyuan is my good friend, we will be familiar after a supper together."

"Who wants to get acquainted with her?"

"Poetry Yan!" Tang Yuan emphasized, "How do you talk? Besides, I have to avoid suspicion now. If I take you and Liya out and get photographed, the media will definitely say that we fired CP."

"Let's just talk about it, that's just right, brother, you can help Liya get angry, and besides, it's not the first time you fired CP."

This girl is not in the entertainment industry and doesn't know the depth of the entertainment industry. As the younger sister of a first-line male star, if her words are taken out by the paparazzi and scribbled, she might lose her fans.

After hearing this, Li Ya also became worried, and quickly stopped Tang Shiyan, "Brother Yuan is right, it's inappropriate for us to go out alone now." She looked at Tang Yuan again, "Brother Yuan, I don't mean to tie up with you and create a topic. "

Hearing what Liya said, Tang Shiyan realized that she had said something wrong, she quickly covered her mouth, and explained for her good sister, "Yes, yes, brother, I am talking nonsense here, Liya No such meaning, oh well, "

Tang Shiyan glanced at Bai Xiaoyuan, "Then let's go together."

Bai Xiaoyuan didn't have time to talk to Tang Shiyan at the moment, because she seemed to see a light flashing in a hidden corner just now, as if someone was secretly taking pictures.

"Hey, she doesn't care about people." Tang Shiyan complained to Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan comforted his sister casually, and saw that the expression on Bai Xiaoyuan's face was very serious.

He knew that although Bai Xiaoyuan was scheming, he was not the kind of person who cares about every detail. He must have discovered something, so he leaned over and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Bai Xiaoyuan smiled at Tang Yuan, and said loudly, "It's okay, let's go."

Tang Yuan nodded, and the group walked outside.

Bai Xiaoyuan was the last to go out and said loudly, "I'll close the door."

Then she grabbed Tang Yuan's arm again and said in a low voice, "You guys go first, send me the address, and I'll be here in a while."

"What's the matter?" Tang Yuan grabbed Bai Xiaoyuan with his backhand and asked with frowned eyebrows.

"Brother~" "Shut up!"

Tang Shiyan felt dissatisfied when she saw her brother biting her ears with the scheming bitch, but before she could say a complete sentence of brother, Tang Yuan cut her off.

"I suspect that someone secretly took pictures," Bai Xiaoyuan explained in a low voice, "You go first and I will deal with it."

Tang Yuan gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "You mean to let me, a big man, leave you, a powerless woman, here?"

Bai Xiaoyuan curled his lips into a smile, "Then what do you want to be a national husband? Let me go and tear X with your own sister?"

The weak and boneless catkin pushed Tang Yuan's chest, "Don't you just like my boldness and carefulness, hurry up and go!"

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(End of this chapter)

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