Chapter 149
Bai Xiaoyuan sticks to the door panel to listen to the movement in the house.

Feeling that someone came out of the room, he opened the door and walked in.

When she returned suddenly, the man holding the camera inside shook his hand, and the phone fell to the ground, "Oh my god, who are you?"

Bai Xiaoyuan looked him up and down, walked over quickly, bent down and picked up the phone that fell on the ground.

"What are you filming?"

"Are you in control, I didn't take pictures of you!" The middle-aged man was not tall, but he was very arrogant, "Give me back my phone!"

"If you don't take pictures of me, I don't care, but as long as you are not blind, you can see it. I am on it."

Bai Xiaoyuan put away the photo and found that it was on the WeChat interface. It seemed that this person was passing the photo on the spot.

Seeing that he had exposed his employer, the paparazzi was also very anxious. This is okay, and there is no business to do in the future.He saw this woman strangely, she was not a big star, it was better to offend her than to offend the buyer.

After assessing the situation, he went to snatch the phone from Bai Xiaoyuan's hand.

Bai Xiaoyuan had expected him to do this, picked up the bag and threw it at it, threatening, "I still have companions outside, I advise you not to act rashly, I just want to say a few words to your buyer."

Bai Xiaoyuan glanced at the other party's WeChat avatar, and sneered in his heart, it was Li Chao, and he used the large WeChat account to receive photos, ha ha
Li Chao is Xu Mier's manager.He got the news that he had secretly photographed many photos of Tang Yuan and Li Ya, but after receiving one, there was no follow-up, so he urged a few words.

Bai Xiaoyuan raised her lips, and quickly replied, "Be safe and don't be impatient"

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and another person came in.

Bai Xiaoyuan immediately cast a vigilant gaze towards the door, seeing that it was Tang Yuan, and then relaxed his vigilance.

Tang Yuan saw that Bai Xiaoyuan didn't look like he had suffered a loss, so he felt relieved, walked over in two or three steps, and asked Bai Xiaoyuan, "Who is it?"

"Xu Mier." Bai Xiaoyuan said.

Tang Yuan, with a look of understanding, stretched out his hand to the paparazzi, "Bring it."

The paparazzi hugged the camera tightly and refused at first.

"How much did they give you?" Tang Yuan asked expressionlessly.

"Fifty thousand." The paparazzi replied.

"I'll give you [-], bring it!" Tang Yuan almost snatched the camera back, and began to browse through the photos, almost all of which were photos of him and Liya.

Tang Yuan frowned, and pointed to Bai Xiaoyuan next to him, "Do you have bad eyesight? If you don't take pictures of this pretty girl, what are you taking pictures of?"

Bai Xiaoyuan thought he was going to say something, and couldn't help laughing out loud after hearing it.

The paparazzi looked confused, "Should I sell you the photo for [-] yuan and I can leave?"

Tang Yuan and Bai Xiaoyuan exchanged colors, and Bai Xiaoyuan shook his head regretfully.

"We will neither give you [-] nor let you go." Bai Xiaoyuan looked at the paparazzi's phone, "Your hands and feet are quite clean, there is nothing in this phone except for a few photos from tonight. "

"What the hell are you trying to do?" The paparazzi was really nervous with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Help you raise the price, what I will give you is definitely more than one hundred thousand."

During this period, Tang Yuan kept staring at Bai Xiaoyuan in silence. After hearing this, he took out his mobile phone and sent a voice message to his assistant, "Come here and help me take care of myself."

Bai Xiaoyuan returned the phone to the paparazzi, and let Assistant Tang Yuan walk out with the paparazzi.

"Have you figured out what's going on?" Tang Yuan rubbed his forehead.

"It should be Xu Mier who wants to mess with you and Li Ya."

Tang Yuan's eyes were full of contempt, "I happen to want to fuck her too."

"You don't need to do it yourself. Xu Mier's dealing with Liya is the same as dealing with Xiao Rui. Since she wants to strike first, let Xiao Rui play next." It happened to be a heroic rescue.

 Created a group, welcome to play 614957007, the stepping stone is the title of the book
(End of this chapter)

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