Chapter 151
Liya's face was a little pale.

Tang Shiyan kicked Tang Yuan under the table angrily.

Tang Yuan acted as if nothing had happened, pouring water for Bai Xiaoyuan, rinsing the chopsticks and cups intently.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Bai Xiaoyuan didn't know what to say for a while, but concentrated on eating.

Tang Shiyan is a foodie, no matter what the atmosphere of the scene is, it can't stop her stomach from dealing with delicious food.

After a few bites, Bai Xiaoyuan stood up and said that he was going to the bathroom.

Tang Shiyan murmured in a low voice, "Mum."

Her voice was not low, and Bai Xiaoyuan was not angry when he heard it, but just lowered his head and smiled at her, as if he didn't care much.

Seeing Bai Xiaoyuan leave, Li Ya let it go a little bit.

Seeing that Tang Yuan didn't eat anything, she took the initiative to talk about it, "Brother Yuan, let's eat skewered mutton, it's fat and thin, it's very good."

Tang Yuan leaned back, "Thank you, I won't eat."

"Then a string of flesh and blood?" Li Ya handed over another string.

Tang Yuan raised his hand and refused.

"You don't eat meat, how about the roasted cauliflower, it tastes good." Liya mustered up her courage again, and handed over a bunch of cauliflower.

This time Tang Yuan finally frowned impatiently, and brushed away Liya's hand, "I'm sorry, I told you I won't eat!"

He refused her kindness, decisively and resolutely, Bai Xiaoyuan stood in the corner, side by side with the paparazzi who secretly took pictures before, watching him press the camera button.

Tang Shiyan was stunned, "Brother, what are you doing?"

Liya held the hand that was brushed away, and the roasted cauliflower fell on her elegant skirt with oil and paste.She lowered her head, her eyes were full of water, and she suppressed crying and said, "I'm sorry, Brother Yuan, that time you stayed with us, I thought you were eating barbecue. Now that I think about it, I was careless. "That day, he didn't eat anything at all.

Seeing that she was about to cry, Tang Yuan turned his head slightly, and said flatly, "I don't eat this kind of food in the first place, but I saw Xiaoyuan there that day."

Tang Shi was in a cloud of mist, looked at her friend, then at her brother, and finally approached Liya with a bitter face, "I'm sorry, Liya, I only eat so many meals with my brother throughout the year, I don't know He doesn't like to eat barbecue now, but we obviously ate it together when we were young."

Liya didn't dare to speak out at the moment, because she was afraid that her crying would betray her, so she lowered her head and tugged on Tang Shiyan's sleeve, signaling her to stop talking.But the tears still couldn't hold back, and fell down.

Seeing her tears, Tang Yuan was upset and apologetic, "I'll go back first."

He stood up and left his seat.

The paparazzi pressed the camera button again.

Not long after Tang Yuan left, Bai Xiaoyuan returned to his seat, pretending that he didn't know, "Oh? Where's Brother Yuan?"

"Leave beforehand." Liya replied in a muffled voice.

Bai Xiaoyuan nodded, glanced at the table, and evaded, "I'm almost finished eating too. You two friends haven't seen each other for a long time. I won't bother you to reminisce. I'll go first. Liya, you should go back and rest early. .”

Tang Shiyan stared at Bai Xiaoyuan, "Hurry up and leave!"

Bai Xiaoyuan frowned, seeing Liya's sad look, he hesitated to speak, but finally swallowed the words that came to his lips.

She lowered the brim of her hat and walked out of the restaurant.

Walking to the side of the road, I heard a car honking, it was Tang Yuan's car.

She walked in, sat next to Tang Yuan, opened the Weibo client, and sent a private message to Xiao Rui's trumpet 'Lia my woman'.

'Reliable news, the goddess is in a bad mood and depressed, and urgently needs warmth.Jokes and amusing emoticons are preferred. '

After sending this message, she immediately quit the trumpet.

Tang Yuan asked her, "Who are you messaging?"

"No one." Bai Xiaoyuan stuffed the phone back into the bag, closed his eyes tiredly, "Thank you for cooperating with my performance."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket


(End of this chapter)

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