Chapter 152
The next day, a group of photos went viral on the Internet.

The young rookie Li Ya turned her attention to Tang Yuan, but was coldly rejected.Tang Nanshen didn't want to eat at the same table with the scheming girl, so he shook his face and left ruthlessly.

And, the heinous wiretapping incident.

A Weibo marketing account found out that Liya and Tang Yuan had the same limited-edition rabbit pendant, and the rabbit's eyes could clearly see the red light at night.The marketing account directly threw pictures to prove that this is a limited edition recorder.

Tang Yuan claims to be a harvester of the hearts of [-] million girls. His wife is so popular that he dug out the [-]th generation of Liya's ancestors. Various gossips are flying all over the sky, including her green tea pretending to be a little white to seduce the president of Victoria. scandal.

For a while, the enthusiasm of Chenfeng CP (Chen Xi x Mo Feng (Liya x Tang Yuan)) faded and there was not much left.

Almost the entire Internet is full of posts and news from Heliya.

As soon as the wind turns, fanatic fans would rather support Mo Yao CP (Mo Feng x Feng Yao (Tang Yuan x Xu Mier))

Liya lost more than 50 followers on Weibo overnight. Every second, someone abused her on Weibo, and even sent private messages to threaten and warn her.

Before Liya got up in the morning, she was woken up by Zhou Shu's phone call, asking her what she did last night, and asked her to watch the news online by herself in a bad tone.

The overwhelming black material and distorted facts made Liya stunned.

Since his debut, he has never received so much 'attention', and naturally he has never been so hacked.

Even the latest episode of "Three Realms" has been adjusted urgently. There are very few scenes of her cut out, and her face will never appear in scenes where the sound can support the plot.

Walking in the crew, she couldn't even lift her head up. Everyone looked at her with contempt.

She was not in the mood for filming, and the director yelled 'click' again, "What's wrong with you, don't shoot if you don't want to shoot! Next time!"

Riya is so numb, there is no chance of redemption.

The director called the screenwriter, and scratched the script, "This, here, here...can I delete all of them? This is not a love scene in the first place, and the scenes of the male lead and the female lead are enough to support the emotional drama of the whole play. What do you think?" Woolen cloth?"

The screenwriter sighed, "Hey, judging by the current trend of public opinion, it is good for the drama to delete it, so it can be considered."

Xu Mier had just put on her makeup, and she praised Li Chao with a smile on her lips, "You found a good person this time, there are so many things."

Li Chao froze, "It's not up to us to decide which way the wind will blow."

Xu Mi'er pursed her lips in satisfaction, and suddenly saw Liya trotting over with her head down and her mouth covered in the mirror.

Xu Mier didn't have any good intentions, but she wasn't so stupid as to tear up her face so quickly. She pretended to be very concerned and asked, "Liya? What's wrong with you?"

Ria wiped away her tears with a piece of paper, and said with a sob, "No, it's nothing."

Xu Mi'er didn't believe it, and walked over, "You look like this, how come nothing happened, if you believe me, tell me, maybe I can give you some advice."

Liya was sobbing, she didn't expect that something happened to her, and the first person who came to comfort her was Xu Mier.

She was a little moved by Xu Mier in her heart, and almost opened her mouth to tell the reason.

Seeing Xu Mi'er's manager urging from the side, "Mi'er, come back later and talk to Li Ya, there is a big event today, I'm afraid you will be waiting there alone."

Xu Mier continued to put on airs, and turned to tell Li Chao, "Tell them to wait for me."

Liya sniffed, and immediately said to Xu Mier, "Sister Mier, I'm really fine, I can't delay your filming, you go, thank you for caring about me."

"Alright then." Xu Mier patted the back of Liya's hand, "Then I'll go first." When she left, her expression was extremely contemptuous.

(End of this chapter)

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