Chapter 153
Liya finished the pack of papers that were left in the first place, and her nose turned red from crying.

Just as he was about to wipe his nose and tears with his hands, a pack of paper suddenly appeared in front of him.

She looked up and saw that it was Bai Xiaoyuan.

She felt aggrieved, and hugged Bai Xiaoyuan, "Yuanyuan, have you seen the news about me on the Internet? That's not true, I'm not as miserable as the Internet says."

Bai Xiaoyuan touched Li Ya's head, and said lightly, "I know."

But in order not to increase the difficulty of my own task, I have to create an irreparable gap between you and Tang Yuan from the very beginning, and I will destroy you from the very beginning. I am a black female supporting role, sorry, I cannot treat you well.

Liya sobbed, "I'm going to clarify, I'm going to explain."

"How do you explain it? Is it true that Tang Yuan pushed you? Do you know about that pendant?"

Liya raised her head sharply, "He pushed me at most to prove that he is not interested in me. I... I knew about the pendant, but it was given to me and him by Shiyan. I only found out later that I didn't give it on purpose. Tang Yuan's."

Liya argued, "Those people, why do you say that about me and use such ugly words? If I don't say anything, wouldn't I acquiesce in these crimes?"

"Then what are you going to do? The water in the entertainment industry is very deep. There are fans who like you, and there are also trolls who want to attack you. Are you going to drag Tang Shiyan into the water at this time?"

"No, no, no, Shi Yan shouldn't be involved." Li Ya reacted, "Then what should I do? The director and screenwriter are going to delete my part."

"Where is Brother Shu, what does he say?"

"Brother Shu called me in the morning. If he hadn't reminded me, I wouldn't know anything. He said he was in a meeting and would think of a way."

"Then you can only wait for news from Brother Shu." Bai Xiaoyuan couldn't say anything to comfort her, so he had to say nothing.

"It's your call, see if Brother Shu has any news?" Bai Xiaoyuan heard Li Ya's phone ringing and reminded her to answer it.

But with a glance, he saw that it was Tang Shiyan's call.

Bai Xiaoyuan's brows furrowed imperceptibly. Listening to the conversation between the two, it seemed that Tang Shiyan was going to take the initiative to stand up and clarify for Liya, and even planned to ask Tang Yuan to come forward in person.

Bai Xiaoyuan saw that Liya was concentrating on talking with Tang Shiyan, and didn't notice herself.

She immediately sent a text message to Tang Yuan, "Your sister doesn't need to go into the water, don't clarify for Liya."

There was a reply soon, "If I take you with me, you will only get points, not cheat."

Only then did Bai Xiaoyuan feel relieved.

She entered Weibo again and logged into the trumpet 'My Goddess Liya', but she found that the private message she sent to Xiao Rui's trumpet 'My Lady Liya' last night was still unread.

How did it happen?Xiao Rui didn't play the trumpet?
Just wondering, Zhou Shu's call came in suddenly, and Bai Xiaoyuan answered it quickly.

The janitor at the other end asked straightforwardly, "Where is Liya, are you with me? Why is no one answering her calls?"

"Well, she's talking to someone else."

"Okay, then tell her, don't leave the set before I come, how many people are waiting outside."

"Okay, by the way, Brother Shu, where is Mr. Xiao, don't you know the news?"

"I'm on a business trip, and I'm in the United States."

The hero is not in the country, so how can we save the beauty!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!just woke up hahaha

(End of this chapter)

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