Chapter 154
"Brother Shu asked you to wait for him here."

Seeing that Liya had finished the call, Bai Xiaoyuan conveyed Zhou Shu's news, and asked again, "Is it Tang Shiyan, how is your discussion going?"

Liya has stopped crying, "You're right, you can't let Shi Yan get involved, I can only ask Brother Yuan to clarify for me now."

"I heard that Tang Yuan's Weibo is run by his agent. He can be so popular, in addition to his own conditions, it is also inseparable from the management of his agent. His agent is strong and protects his weaknesses, so I think this matter Things are a little hanging."

"But he and I are both involved. No one will believe what I say. Others should believe what he said. Besides, even if he doesn't like me, he should stand up and say something out of justice."

"Then you should really try."

Liya nodded, only then did she notice that Bai Xiaoyuan had already changed into costumes, "Thank you for accompanying me Yuanyuan, you go to the set to start work, I'll just wait for Brother Shu here."

Bai Xiaoyuan nodded, turned and left.

Liya looked at Bai Xiaoyuan's back and suddenly felt that she was so indifferent.

Li Ya hurriedly sent another N message to Xiao Rui's trumpet
It's ten o'clock in the morning BJ time, and it's only nine o'clock or ten o'clock in the United States, so he wouldn't go to bed so early.

But the private message is still unread.

Bai Xiaoyuan took back his phone and started shooting.

This scene was still played with Tang Yuan, but he NGed five or six times in a row.

In the end, he shouted to stop, "I'm sorry director, I'm in a bit of a bad state, I'll make some adjustments."

"OK" the director came over and told Tang Yuan about the play, "Just now your performance was good, but it wasn't enough. You have to give this expression a little more, understand?"

Tang Yuan nodded. He didn't know if it was because of the hot weather, but he was sweating profusely.

His assistant quickly handed over a bottle of water, but he didn't drink it, and poured it directly on his face.

Turning around, he took the pill from the assistant's hand and swallowed it.

"What is this?" Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaoyuan stepped forward and asked him, "Are you sick?"

"No." Tang Yuan wiped the drops of water from his face, looking sexy, "Vitamins, do you want to take one too?"

Bai Xiaoyuan felt that Tang Yuan's smile was too forced, unlike any of the previous styles, so she wrinkled, and simply followed his words, "Okay, give me a slice."

She said, holding out her hand.

"Hey," Tang Yuan patted her hand down, "Want to eat? Go buy it yourself."

After a short rest, the two continued to shoot.Then there was the scene with Xu Mier.

Sitting side by side with Tang Yuan, Bai Xiaoyuan asked him, "Do you know what happened to Xu Mier and Xiao Rui?"

Tang Yuan went back to Bai Xiaoyuan while playing with his mobile phone, "Xiao Rui made her popular at the beginning, then she was poached by Gu's Media, and later, she set up her own studio. Do you know why she left Victoria?"


"She proposed to Xiao Rui, but was rejected."

Bai Xiaoyuan was surprised, "They have already reached the point where they are talking about marriage?"

Tang Yuan raised a finger and shook it, "NONONO, it is precisely because she is too self-righteous and wishful thinking that the marriage proposal is more ridiculous and ridiculous."

Bai Xiaoyuan nodded, "It feels like she's going to be slapped in the face by Xiao Rui again this time. What are you doing, it seems impolite for you to keep staring at your phone while I'm talking to you."

"Then do you want me to watch you, or do you refuse my sister's request?"

Bai Xiaoyuan shrugged, "You continue."
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(End of this chapter)

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