Chapter 159
The sword spirit made Bai Xiaoyuan a little angry.

There is a game asking her to endorse, and a web drama asking her to join.

When she was considering which online drama to choose, Xiao Rui had already won Liya the heroine of another drama.

In that big workplace drama, she wanted to play the third female lead, but she didn't even get the chance to audition.

I heard that in order to suppress Xu Mier, Xiao Rui directly bought back a movie and two TV series that she was negotiating with at a high price, one of which was a workplace drama starring Li Ya.

Bai Xiaoyuan went to Zhou Shu to discuss countermeasures.

Zhou Shu was also helpless, "The company has just launched "Three Realms" this season, and a movie that has been scheduled for a long time is also being produced. Now, in order to clean up your little sister, Mr. Xiao immediately starts funding to start a drama. You too I know, I originally wanted to invite the big name like Xu Mier, but now it's replaced by Liya, and the other two heroines won't use newcomers. I really can't fit in other roles now."

What Zhou Shu said makes sense, and Bai Xiaoyuan understands all this.

It seemed that Xiao Rui had to nod her head before she could have the chance to participate in this big show.

Bai Xiaoyuan didn't ask Xiao Rui directly, but went to Liya first.

Liya has recently been proud of her love scene and is in good condition. When she saw Bai Xiaoyuan, she was still smiling, "It feels like I haven't seen Yuanyuan for a long time. How are you doing recently? You don't post status in Moments anymore."

"I'm fine. How about you? You've been busy recently." Bai Xiaoyuan exchanged pleasantries with Liya in a nonchalant manner.

Liya took a sip of the juice and nodded, "Yeah, only if you keep yourself busy, you won't be free to read gossip on the Internet."

"Your new script is good, I believe everyone will be conquered by your acting skills and your personal charm." Casually speaking good words, Bai Xiaoyuan stirred the ice cubes in the glass.

"You know all about it. You are very well informed." Liya looked happy, and then lowered her head in embarrassment, "Actually, the one I should be most grateful to is our Mr. Xiao."

"Your family?" Bai Xiaoyuan showed the first sincere smile after meeting.

He continued, "Speaking of Mr. Xiao, Li Ya, can you tell Mr. Xiao for me and give me a chance to act in this drama with you."

Liya didn't hesitate at all, "Okay." After she agreed quickly, she suddenly realized, "This is all a company show, didn't Brother Shu arrange it for you?"

Bai Xiaoyuan twitched the corners of his lips, "I'm afraid you don't know, this drama is not in our company, in fact, many actors have already settled down before, so it may not be easy for Brother Shu to make this change."

"That's it." Liya was a little embarrassed, "If it had been decided long ago, then Mr. Xiao wouldn't be able to change people at will, wouldn't it be very unfair to others? Everyone worked hard to read the script and memorize the lines, and worked hard to perform during the audition. I think it would be disrespectful to other people's strength if you change the role you just got because of a word from the boss!"

Bai Xiaoyuan closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Then for your role, is it fair for Xu Mier who was kicked down?"

"Yuanyuan, what are you talking about?" Liya looked puzzled, "What does this have to do with Xu Mier?"

It seemed that she really couldn't understand.

"It's because I didn't think carefully and spoke thoughtlessly. I forgot that you haven't watched entertainment news online for a long time." Bai Xiaoyuan let out a sigh of relief. Now she is getting impatient when talking to Liya. Just pretend I didn't say it, you are right, you should rely on your own efforts, I will work hard!"

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(End of this chapter)

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