Chapter 160
"How is it? Have you chosen it? Which one do you plan to take?"

Zhou Shu pointed to the scripts of the two web dramas and asked Bai Xiaoyuan.

Bai Xiaoyuan closed the cover of the script, and was about to speak when the phone rang.

Zhou Shumin glanced at her, "You should read the news first."

Bai Xiaoyuan saw that it was a WeChat message from Tang Yuan. He didn't say anything, just a picture, facing the sea and embracing the blue sky.

A sentence suddenly popped up in her mind, "After the filming of this film is finished, you can go with me to relax."

The filming of "Three Realms" has long been finished, and she is already racking her brains for the next film.

But has he gone out alone to relax?

where is thisMaldives?Phuket?Bali?

No, no, the islands in Southeast Asia have been overdeveloped and overcrowded.

Intuition told Bai Xiaoyuan that Tang Yuan would not go to those places.

"What are you thinking about?" Seeing Bai Xiaoyuan lost his mind, Zhou Shu said, "The soul is gone, I have never seen you like this before."

Bai Xiaoyuan hurriedly put away the phone, "It's nothing, I have read these two scripts, but"

Before she finished speaking, the intercom phone on Zhou Shu's desk rang, "Wait, I'll answer the call first."

He hung up the phone without saying a few words, and looked at Bai Xiaoyuan unexpectedly, "Boss Xiao asked you to go to his office."

"what's up?"

Zhou Shu shook his head, "I want to know too."

"Maybe it's a good thing." Zhou Shu said uncertainly, but he couldn't think of anything bad happening.

So he urged Bai Xiaoyuan, "Hurry up and come back to me later."

But Bai Xiaoyuan felt faintly uneasy in his heart.

It must be that Xiaobai questioned Xiao Rui about Xu Mier after Liya went back last night, and now Xiao Rui is upset that she polluted the pure white lotus in his heart with this kind of material.

As he was thinking about it, he had already arrived in front of Xiao Rui's office.

Just when she was about to raise her hand to knock on the door, she saw Li Ya hurried out from inside, her face was so red that it seemed that she could bleed.

Bai Xiaoyuan's eyebrows twitched. Sure enough, the domineering president and Xiao Baihua's girlfriend like to do that in the office in broad daylight?
When Liya saw that Bai Xiaoyuan had arrived, she trimmed her hair a little embarrassedly, then pulled Bai Xiaoyuan aside, and said quietly, "Yuanyuan, you told me yesterday, and I confirmed with Mr. Xiao, what you said is Fact. Me too, I mentioned it to him, and he promised you a role. So, he called you over."

Bai Xiaoyuan was a little surprised, did he even find her a role?

The president's woman is really easy to talk to.

Bai Xiaoyuan smiled at Li Ya, shook her hand, "Thank you."

"We are good friends!" Liya looked at Bai Xiaoyuan sincerely, "Then I'll go first."

Bai Xiaoyuan walked into Xiao Rui's office, which was as luxurious as a presidential suite in a five-star hotel.She entered the door and saw Xiao Rui's figure after passing through the hall.

Just as she was about to go there, she was suddenly sprayed with disinfectant. Her eyebrows furrowed instantly, and she turned her head to realize that besides her and Xiao Rui, there were his assistants in this office.

"Except Miss Liya, everyone who enters this office must be disinfected." Assistant Xiao Rui said, "Please cooperate with Miss Bai, please turn around."

Bai Xiaoyuan took a breath and turned around silently.

The smell of disinfectant is very unpleasant, but I can bear it.

"Okay, that's fine, Miss Bai, please." The assistant made a gesture of invitation to her.

Ask for a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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